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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Star fox Zero delayed till Q1 2016

This game needs more time. There was a lot to improve

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So no big games for Holiday at least in Japan - unless they really think Amiibo Festival will do wonders?

We need another big game - we really do!

Come already with Kid Icarus U and Luigi Masion Dark Moon 2.5

Plus Yes I think this means no NX until 2017... i hope - they need time to develop some games too!


Nuvendil said:
Soundwave said:

Nintendo was badly outmarketed by Sony in the N64/Playstation days (Hey Plumber Boy, FF7's marketing, etc. etc.) and Sega completely dominated them during the Genesis days. That was really how Nintendo got any competetition in the first place ... Sega started marketing towards the MTV/teenager crowd, while Nintendo was still using as you put it, the lame "Now you're playing with SUPER Power" stuff, which was just recycled from the NES days. 

Sega was vicious, lol

Nintendo's sucked at marketing for the better part of 20 years now. It's just not how their products sell, their products tend to sell through strong word of mouth. 

Case in point, I don't even remember seeing a TV ad for GoldenEye 007 on the N64, yet that sold through the roof. 

Being out marketed=/=sucked.  GameCube marketing sucked.  Wii U marketing sucked.  N64 (the early campaign, when the legs game out the ads dried up too) was  strong and SNES was good.  Even if you are out marketed, putting out a good effort gets you better results than sucking or doing nothing.  Mirosoft is being out marketed as all crap right now, but they are still getting better results than Nintendo who just plain sucked until fairly recently (and still aren't prolific).

But the point you completely missed was that REGARDLESS of what they were like and are like in marketing, they must get good.  Period.  End of story.  The NX could literally be a legal money printing device with two PS4s inside and it will not sell if they have a launch campaign like the Wii U's or the Wii U's 2013 holiday marketing.  The NX will fail, the successor to it will fail, they will all fail if their answer to MS and Sony's aggressive marketing is to do next to nothing.  Cause that's just business.

Truthfully I think we're well past all that now. As in like 10 years past it. Nintendo's lost that type of audience to Sony and Microsoft full stop, they *own* that audience now, and that audience is not looking for Nintendo to just give them the same thing. If they want a Playstation (which is synomous for violent third party action-adventure games + sports titles) ... they'll buy a Playstation. 

Nintendo *needed* the GameCube to at least hold fort and badly spank the XBox to hold that audience, it failed to do so, then they went off and did the Wii for 6 years which basically just completely ignored that audience entirely. 

Now? It's far too late. They needed to have their shit together like back in 2002/2003. That was when it was still an open contest to some extent. 

Gotta have some sort of 2016 line up I guess. Its not like theyre gonna release a new big game for the WiiU anyways... They are just riding it out until the NX comes out. Mario Tennis will probably be the next one to be delayed.

I have a sugestion on how to use the two screens... don't! Just have it be a fun second camera for challenge runs. Keep the controls classic. >.<

KLXVER said:
Gotta have some sort of 2016 line up I guess. Its not like theyre gonna release a new big game for the WiiU anyways... They are just riding it out until the NX comes out. Mario Tennis will probably be the next one to be delayed.

Err... Zelda? Pikmin 4? Pokken tournament? Those are all likelier bigger than Starfox.

I can just feel that optimism coming from you. Chill, the sky isnt falling.

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mZuzek said:
Nuvendil said:
And here's something I hope comes out of this: I hope they take all the money they were going to use to market Star Fox and instead market Xenoblade Chronicles X. It's the most logical game to take the spotlight for the holidays. In the West anyway. It's an open world, science fiction RPG with a heavy emphasis on exploration and with some online elements. That's all marketable. And the aesthetics resonate with western designs in many ways, anime character models not withstanding.


Some people say "oh but Xenoblade is niche", when really there's nothing about it that makes it niche. All it needs is proper marketing.

The characters faces are niche. Furthermore, I couldn't see Star Fox really appealing to anyone outside of Nintendo's established audience, Xenoblade is more likely to achieve this. They just gotta make sure they bundle it with Mario Kart, Splatoon or Mario Maker.

Nem said:

I have a sugestion on how to use the two screens... don't! Just have it be a fun second camera for challenge runs. Keep the controls classic. >.<

KLXVER said:
Gotta have some sort of 2016 line up I guess. Its not like theyre gonna release a new big game for the WiiU anyways... They are just riding it out until the NX comes out. Mario Tennis will probably be the next one to be delayed.

Err... Zelda? Pikmin 4? Pokken tournament? Those are all likelier bigger than Starfox.

I can just feel that optimism coming from you. Chill, the sky isnt falling.

Im relaxed. Ive come to terms with Nintendo focusing on the NX instead. Thank god for the PS4.

At this point Nintendo's holiday lineup doesn't really matter. Star Fox was never going to shift a ton of consoles, Nintendo might aswell keep their reputation and make sure the games that 80+ metacritic.

It was only through the failure of the Wii U that Nintendo even gave it a release date, they just wanted to reassure fans. Same with Zelda. Normally Nintendo reserves those announcements for 6months prior to launch but here they announced its release date before they even showed off the game lol

Nuvendil said:
Soundwave said:
People who think Nintendo will be able to handle a separate PS4-level console and a Vita+++ portable next generation are going to get a rude, rude awakening I think.

Unifying product lines for Nintendo isn't a choice at this point ... it's a necessity. They can't support the Wii U and 3DS as is, let alone a large generational leap above that.

At this point, Nintendo at max output can deliver maybe 3-4 high-end HD games per year. This year it was Xenoblade X, Splatoon, Yarn Yoshi, and uh ... Mario Maker I guess.

Or they could, you know get some 3rd party support?  Like normal companies?  Cause even if they unify that doesn't help much.  Cause now they are still having to create those HD experiences that eat up so many resources.  Nintendo needs 3rd party support OR they need to roughly double or tripple their resources/manpower.  Unifying will help with efficiency, but it won't make their people spontaneously grow a second head and pair of arms so that they can make stuff for two games at once.  It's either expand ridiculously (absurdly expensive, may not work) or get 3rd party support and market what they *do* make (the rational option). 

agree. 3rd party support for NX, collaborate more and get those big AAA titles to NX.  or add a lot of new employees and outsource some projects. regardless if it is a japanese intact culture, outsourcing is okay for them. as they collaborate with platinum, atlus, etc.. so it is not an issue.  

the only issue is hiring more employees for their dev dept if they have that amount of money to play for a lot of new employees just to have more games. 

Kresnik said:
I wonder if this is a reaction to the feedback they seemed to be getting. Not a bad move if so.

it make sense. as i believe the game can have better graphics, and gameplay.  if there are minimal changes only, then i'll be depressed on their delay. just make it better i'm sure star fox fans would understand.