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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Tatsumi Kimishima is the new president of Nintendo

Soundwave said:


Doesn't sound like much is changing:

“The basic direction and strategy won’t change,” Kimishima said. Takeda and Miyamoto will be in charge of software development, while “I control administration,” Kimishima said.

Sounds like he will handle more of the business stuff, but not really company philosophy or direction. 

That info deserves it's own thread.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

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Soundwave said:


Doesn't sound like much is changing:

“The basic direction and strategy won’t change,” Kimishima said. Takeda and Miyamoto will be in charge of software development, while “I control administration,” Kimishima said.

Sounds like he will handle more of the business stuff, but not really company philosophy or direction. 

He will be the manager that Nintendo needs now, someone how doesn't get in the way of the game and hardware developements (that's what Miyamoto and Takeda wil probably do) but keeps an eye on how the company works and how to manage it. After all he is the Managing Director and current head of Nintendo's Human Resources so he will have no problem doing just that.

Let's not forget that he will be in charge of Nintendo during the release of NX and, as Wii U proved, that's a crucial moment where Nintendo has a lot to gain but a lot more to lose. Nintendo needs someone who doesn't messes it up, not someone with "new and bright" ideas to try.

Besides, his experience living and working in the US could come into play with the marketing campaigns and with their relations with the western third parties.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

This explains a lot.

@serkantoto on twitter:

"In yet another Nikkei article (last I summarize/translate), new Nintendo boss Kimishima’s personality is described as 'soft+friendly'." (So he only looks stern. Way to judge the poor guy.)

"According to the Nikkei, Kimishima predicted Wii U’s failure when it was introduced by warning it’s too similar to the original Wii."

"Despite his business background, he is quoted as saying it’s wrong to lead a gaming company on numbers alone."

"The Nikkei claims Kimishima wasn’t Iwata’s favorite choice. Nintendo was 1st looking for somebody younger but didn’t have the personnel."

"The article also suggests the troika was a rushed decision because the holiday season, where Nintendo makes 50%+ of sales, is near."

"Accordingly, Kimishima is quoted as saying one task for him will be to develop the next group leadership structure for Nintendo."

"He says he is elected for 1 year and doesn’t know what will come next. Says he is not against company outsiders to lead Nintendo one day." #Sakuraiforpres2016

EDIT: Already posted above, lol. 

I guess Nintendo wanted someone younger but they don't have anyone in the company that they felt confident enough in.

Interesting that he felt the Wii U would fail from day 1 due to being too similar to the Wii. Maybe he is smarter than some of the people at NCL after all. 

The most interesting bit, at least to me, is this bit:

"Accordingly, Kimishima is quoted as saying one task for him will be to develop the next group leadership structure for Nintendo."

Group leadership structure. Who ever the real next president will be, he might have even less power than Iwata. If there even is one. It seams like his real roll is revamping the leadership structure so that when, god forbid, the next death happens, there isn't as much of a shake up. They are talking about "future proofing" it. That's a very strange way to talk about a leadership set up.

Even now, Kimishima is really just 1/3 president, along side "Fellows" Miyamoto and Takeda.

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shikamaru317 said:
I think they probably made the right choice. They need a President who understands the western market. NX needs to have the features and games that western gamers look for in order to succeed.

I'm really not understanding posts like these. He still worked at Nintendo before he became president. He still had a high ranking leadership roll with assumedly a lot of influence. If he really had such a deep understanding of the West, you would have seen the results of that understanding within the 15 years that he's worked at the company. Instead, it's been the opposite.

If he felt the Wii U was going to fail from the onset, he probably has a little more insight than many on Nintendo's board.

But I wouldn't expect some Steve Jobs-esque visionary here. From the sounds of it, Miyamoto and Takeda are still very much in charge of the general company direction.

I have a little more faith in him now that he said he saw Wii U failing... but then again, that wasn't a very hard prediction. Anyway, time will tell how well things go for Nintendo but I think one year is too short to tell if Kimishima is the right choice.

spemanig said:
It's only for one year. So it's a temporary position. I'm much more down with that.

Sakurai for president, 2016.

hmm... I want to say no.

He created his own achievement like system in Kirby Air Ride that continued in Brawl, Kid Icarus, and then Sma4sh. He' s also noted for wanting to make Nintendo's online more like Steam. He definitely seems like he would have a strong direction for the company. And he definitely puts a lot of effort into his games.

On the other hand, his game development skills are too vital for the company, and his development style itself has gone against the grain of many fans, who I feel are ridiculous, but it really has shown that he does his own thing without much sense of backlash. I like that about him, but I know if that will translate as a positive for the company.

It's insane to me how much people think they understand about the guy because he didn't smile in a picture.