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This explains a lot.

@serkantoto on twitter:

"In yet another Nikkei article (last I summarize/translate), new Nintendo boss Kimishima’s personality is described as 'soft+friendly'." (So he only looks stern. Way to judge the poor guy.)

"According to the Nikkei, Kimishima predicted Wii U’s failure when it was introduced by warning it’s too similar to the original Wii."

"Despite his business background, he is quoted as saying it’s wrong to lead a gaming company on numbers alone."

"The Nikkei claims Kimishima wasn’t Iwata’s favorite choice. Nintendo was 1st looking for somebody younger but didn’t have the personnel."

"The article also suggests the troika was a rushed decision because the holiday season, where Nintendo makes 50%+ of sales, is near."

"Accordingly, Kimishima is quoted as saying one task for him will be to develop the next group leadership structure for Nintendo."

"He says he is elected for 1 year and doesn’t know what will come next. Says he is not against company outsiders to lead Nintendo one day." #Sakuraiforpres2016