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Forums - Movies & TV - What is the worst Superhero film you've ever seen?

Tie between Batman & Robin and Catwoman. I honestly do not know which is worse as they are both just dreadful.

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One word. Elektra. That movie's plot made absolutely no sense. And the action scenes were laughably bad at times.

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Batman and Robin was very bad, though I had some fun with it. Catwoman, on the other hand, is not the kind of movie that's so bad it's funny. It's boring, bland, unentertaining... just plain terrible. I have yet to see the newest Fant4stic, but I'm sure it can't be as bad as Catwoman. Hell, even the 1990 Captain America and the 2005 Fantastic Four were miles better. And I know for certain what made the latter better

if you want to see bad, see the fantastic 4 movie that was never officially released. I think it was made in the early 90's. you can find it online somewhere. It was worse than any of the movies mentioned and probably worse than anything you can think of. just search fantastic four bootleg.

It is near the end of the end....

Tough to say.....there's some seriously strong (weak?) contenders for that title

However, I think ultimately the one that sticks in my mind as the worst I've seen is Elektra. See some people in here saying Daredevil Elektra. Daredevil suddenly looks like masterpiece.

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Superhero movie (2008) was definitely the worst superhero film I've ever watched. It was quite funny though ( In a sick twisted way ).

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Mr_No said:
Batman and Robin was very bad, though I had some fun with it. Catwoman, on the other hand, is not the kind of movie that's so bad it's funny. It's boring, bland, unentertaining... just plain terrible. I have yet to see the newest Fant4stic, but I'm sure it can't be as bad as Catwoman. Hell, even the 1990 Captain America and the 2005 Fantastic Four were miles better. And I know for certain what made the latter better

 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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They almost all suck.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Batman and Robin probably. Though, XMen Origins Wolverine and both TMNT sequels give it a run for its money.


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