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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which Console Should You Buy This Holiday? 2015 Edition

None, keeping my money for the NX

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Shadow1980 said:
TheSting said:

No, it's stupid. It reads there is only 2 reasons to own a xbox. 

Are you deliberately trying to antagonize me? Knock off the damn insults.

IMO, there isn't much reason to own an XBO aside from the exclusives. I have all three current-gen systems, and last-gen the 360 was my primary system (I didn't even own a PS3 of my own, though we do have one in the house), but I've found that Sony had a better overall offering this gen. Many multiplatform games perform better, it has a far better UI, it does streaming video better, and it has no real disadvantages when compared to the XBO, at least not when it comes to what I typically use consoles for. From my point of view, the only reason to own an XBO is if you really like exclusive Xbox IPs like Halo, Gears, etc. In fact, if it weren't for Halo, I wouldn't have even bothered with the XBO despite the 360 serving as my primary last generation. I never even really cared for PlayStation all that much as a brand (I mainly had a PS1 & PS2 for Final Fantasy and a small handful of other exclusives, and I hated the old DualShock designs; I mainly used the N64 and GameCube those generations), but the PS4 has really won me over, and now for the first time ever a PlayStation system is serving as my primary. Unless someone values exclusives and likes Halo, Gears, etc., moreso than they do any Sony IP, then I'd have to recommend the PS4.

That's my honest opinion on the subject. If you insist on continuing to insult me, then I'm not going to waste any more time dealing with you.

BC is another reasson to get the X1

will be picking up the forza and halo 5 systems this year, will give me 5 xbox one systems





S.T.A.G.E. said:
Kyuu said:

Four things I learned from this:

* X1 library more diverse than Playstation 4
* Bloodborne is mediocre
* Japan doesn't exist
* Semi-exclusivity is Xbox exclusive!

Seriously though, imo X1 is easily the better system for the holidays if what you're after is the Q4 lineup. That is of course assuming you aren't a JRPG fan and/or you own Playstation 3.

Yep. They cannot accept that its just common sense that Microsoft has 4th quarter in the bag. JRPG fans will always try to deny it. Their subjective opinion is fine, but objectively speaking they stand alone.

The struggle of being a JPRG fan and being and xbox/nintendo fan. I buy my playstations late in the generation for JRPGS that dont come to xbox. I plan 2 get 1 next year.

PS4 all the way! (this video is a joke)IMO

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I own all 8th gen systems,ps4 gets the least use, because for me it doesn't give me the gaming itch I grave ( except for ff14 ) . xbox one gives me the most fun anymore
I would suggest to people buy a xb1





I own all 8th gen systems,ps4 gets the least use, because for me it doesn't give me the gaming itch I grave ( except for ff14 ) . xbox one gives me the most fun anymore
I would suggest to people buy a xb1

Yep. Same here.I should get the Wii U though. The Xbox One gets the most play though. 

Shadow1980 said:
TheSting said:

No, it's stupid. It reads there is only 2 reasons to own a xbox. 

Are you deliberately trying to antagonize me? Knock off the damn insults.


That's my honest opinion on the subject. If you insist on continuing to insult me, then I'm not going to waste any more time dealing with you.

I got rid of the irrelevant part of your post.

I've done nothing but say that the chart is stupid not you. I maintain that it is. I'm insulting the chart not you. Where this victim mentality is coming from idk. You posted it saying to follow the chart in picking a Xbox or PS4. You are telling people that there are only one or two reasons to own an Xbox One. There are way more than two or either or reason to own an Xbox. To the last part of your very last sentence that's fine with me. Just ignore and I'll do the same.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Kyuu said:

Four things I learned from this:

* X1 library more diverse than Playstation 4
* Bloodborne is mediocre
* Japan doesn't exist
* Semi-exclusivity is Xbox exclusive!

Seriously though, imo X1 is easily the better system for the holidays if what you're after is the Q4 lineup. That is of course assuming you aren't a JRPG fan and/or you own Playstation 3.

Yep. They cannot accept that its just common sense that Microsoft has 4th quarter in the bag. JRPG fans will always try to deny it. Their subjective opinion is fine, but objectively speaking they stand alone.

It's just common sense that Sony will win the 4rd quarter worldwide. Did you mean "globally in the US"? Because globally in France, even the Wii U is beating the Xbox One... Objectively speaking the US Xbox buyers stand alone, it's the only place where MS can win the 4rd quarter. 


And I really don't understand what's your point about JRPG ^^. 

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Angelv577 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Angelv577 said:

true but you also have to understand that xb1 isn't xb360 where it had a good marketshare almost everywhere thus investing in japanese games on xb360 made more sense back then that it's now.  "play it first on ps4" can mean a lot of things that it shouldn't be use as a 100% confirmation (DQX1 ring a bell?, the game is coming to ps4 with NX in mind).  Thing is ps4 is killing xb1 everywhere except US, so if FF15 and KH3 flopped hard on xb1 because that american audiencie didn't pick it up, you can expect ff7 remake exclusive for the single reason of making sense than anything else.  japanese games on xb1 are still unproven as the only games that we have is FF type 0 and even though it's not a mainline game, it might give an indication that japanese fans aren't on the console, hence why some might think FF15 and KH3 might be the real indicator.

If marketshare was the issue the game wouldn't be multiplat. Tomb Raider is still exclusive for a year. By thr time it hits playstation, barely anyone will want to play it late on thr ps4 because the holiday hype for the one will be quite large in the states. xbox one is still a threat to the ps4 in the states even though it's losing in the world. Microsoft doesn't need to win the world but they cannot lose the states. As for FFVII, it's coming after the pS4 exclusivity ends. I'm playing it on ps4 anyway just like I am playing tomb raider on the one. You can't get screwed by either company in their timed exclusive war if you own both consoles.


The one has fourth quarter on lock though. Backwards compatibility, revamped 60fps gears of War with halo and Tomb Raider? Sony had most of the year but they've certainly lost fourth quarter. MS has lost three quarters worth of battles. It wouldn't hurt to win one.

Let pretend that TR exclusivity situation wasnt announced before the game released on xb1, I dont know about you but if a game that was announced as an exclusive and later it was announced as atimed exclusive before the release of the game, then something isnt right, if anything that is an indication that SE are worried about the game sales, and as someone already told you, TR audience isnt the same as ff7 remake so I dont know why you keep bringing that game up when in fact we have other evidence like DQXI that says otherwise and that game is similar to FF audience.  

Dont know why the sales of the 4th quarter has to do with the ff7 possible xb1 version.  Xb1 won last 4th quarter as well and nothing change after that .  Ps4 keeps dominating outside US and regained the league in US.  Also it doesnt change the fact that if the japanese games audience is on ps4, then no amount of halo, TR or forza will bring them over to xbox, I wonder why, perhaps  because JRPG being completely different to those games might have something to do with it?.  

Look I am not saying its not coming to xb1, I am saying its reasonable to think its not 100% sure.

Lets take into account that TR exclusivity wasnt announced before the game released on Xbox One? Ok. Halo is still the most popular exclusive shooter and the first game generally is a console mover. You will see in october. Tomb Raider is only there to support the dominance of the lineup. Halo will be doing all of the work. Fourth quarter sales in America brings in more money than any other quarter of the year because its the season when people are most willing to spend. Microsoft looks like they are going two for two.for two.

Sony did the exclusivity deal with FF7 to keep the game away from Microsoft. Its the only reason they would just like Microsoft. The are one anothers primary competition. This has been going on for years and should be not new to you. These tactics are quite common place. COD DLC switching hand? Activision now supporting Sony more than Microsoft? EA siding with Microsoft and getting all of the extra deals? Come on. This is why we learn from history. The writing was always on the wall for you. "Coming first to playstation". What would the secondary option to Playstation be for Final Fantasy....and seriously...if you say PC or Wii U i'm going to have to seriously start questioning things.

or NX? like DQXI ? seriously I still dont understand having 4th quarter on lock or the selling potential of halo or the amount of money have to do with me saying that the japanesegames audience might not be on xbox  thus making a port for it a waste of money.  let see if a game like batman AK sold much better on ps4, do you have an idea how big the ratio will be for a JRPG?.  I am not  JRPG fan and I think xb1 will win 4th quarter but I think it wont change anything if the japanese audience arent there.  the only thing that you have aas an argument that the game might arrived on xb1 is the relationship between them, if that is so, good luck.