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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is PlayStation Just As Iconic As Nintendo?

Amongst the younger generation, there's no doubt they're on the same level. To the older gamer--and the older non-gamer, not quite yet. Everyone knows Mario and Luigi. Not quite the case with Kratos or Sackboy. Of course, this will change as time goes on.

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DerNebel said:
Goodnightmoon said:
Qwark said:
Nintendo may have saven the industrie but Sony Let the industrie to bloom again and continue doing this. Diversity is Key even now Sony comes with until dawn and Dreams and creates New genres. In which they are kind of unique, unlike Nintendo which is operating mostly in there safe zone of 2d platformers, partygames, sportgames and games From an era where Nintendo had bigger balls, like Zelda, Metroid and Starfox and Pikmin aND rarely a new IP. Whereas Sony dares to write of succesfull IP's as uncharted Jack and probably GOW after GOW 4 to create something New like TLOU.

On the last 15 years Nintendo has created and/or published:

- Pikmin
- Animal Crossing (28 milion sold)
- Chibi Robot
- Advance Wars
- Golden Sun
- Wii Sport (best selling game ever)
- Wii Fit
- Xenoblade 
- Brain Age (35 milion sold)
- Rythym Paradise 
- Nintendogs ( 30 milion sold)
- Picross
- Inazuma Eleven
- The last Story
- Pandora´s Tower
- Nintendoland
- Todomachi Life 
- The wonderfull 101 
- Splatoon (already the most popular online shooter in Japan history)

All new Ips and I´m leaving some out, there are still more, so your argument about new Ips is invalid. But not only that, Nintendo has taken risks changing their own a IP on radical ways instead of being the same all over again, compare games like Mario sunshine, Mario galaxy and Super Mario Maker, or Zelda Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and a link between worlds, or Kid Icarus vs Kid Icarus uprising and you see HUGE changes, they also convert their Ips in new stuff like in Luigi´s Mansion or Captain Toad, same ips, totally different games. Now compare that to the changes on Jak and daxter, Uncharted, GOW etc, they are almost no difference, and no risk.

So what you're trying to say here is that Sony isn't taking risks with their games? L-O-L.

But yeah going from Super Mario Sunshine to Super Mario Galaxy, now that's taking a risk. Pffffffff.

They are extremely different for a game that shares the chore mechanics and the main characters, anyone who has played them knows it, so say what you want but there is more changes on Mario shunshine - Mario Galaxy or Twilight princess - Wind Waker than Uncharted, Crash Bandicoot, Jak and daxter, Ratchet and clank or GoW did or will ever have. Nintendo games evolve, they are not trends that die in one or two generation, they find new ways to keep itself fresh and out of time.

Wright said:
DerNebel said:

This is asking about PlayStation, not about Sony franchises.

And what made Playstation, aside from Sony franchises and healthy third-party support?

How is that relevant? The question is: Is PlayStation as iconic as Nintendo? And that is asking about the PS brand, not about specific games behind it, for many people especially in Europe PlayStation is simply synonymous with gaming, they all associate it with different games (be it Tekken, RE, Crash, GT, Spyro, Tomb Raider etc.) but at the core still stands one brand: PlayStation.

Goodnightmoon said:
DerNebel said:

So what you're trying to say here is that Sony isn't taking risks with their games? L-O-L.

But yeah going from Super Mario Sunshine to Super Mario Galaxy, now that's taking a risk. Pffffffff.

They are extremely different for a game that shares the chore mechanics and the main characters, anyone who has played them knows it, so say what you want but there is more changes on Mario shunshine - Mario Galaxy or Twilight princess - Wind Waker than Uncharted, Crash Bandicoot, Jak and daxter, Ratchet and clank or GoW did or will ever have.

I didn't deny that, but classifying the changes made between different Mario or Zelda titles as taking a real risk is laughable at best.

Sony will never reach the height of iconic recognition that Nintendo has had since the end of the eighties. Nintendo created something that reached far beyond the gaming industry and made the likes of Mario, Zelda and donkey Kong into household names. Playstation might very well be a larger brand than Nintendo in the future but it will still be way behind the impact Nintendo had during the last 20-25 years.

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In hardware and innovations, yes. In terms of software that spans generations, not yet and not to the same extent.

Imho Sony's consoles are more remarkable than Nintendo's (proabably because most of the nowdays gamers don't even know what an NES is) and at the same time Nintendo Games are more remarkable than Sony ones

DerNebel said:
Goodnightmoon said:
DerNebel said:

So what you're trying to say here is that Sony isn't taking risks with their games? L-O-L.

But yeah going from Super Mario Sunshine to Super Mario Galaxy, now that's taking a risk. Pffffffff.

They are extremely different for a game that shares the chore mechanics and the main characters, anyone who has played them knows it, so say what you want but there is more changes on Mario shunshine - Mario Galaxy or Twilight princess - Wind Waker than Uncharted, Crash Bandicoot, Jak and daxter, Ratchet and clank or GoW did or will ever have.

I didn't deny that, but classifying the changes made between different Mario or Zelda titles as taking a real risk is laughable at best.

But making huge changes on widely iconic franchises with milions of fans is always a huge risk because you risk yourself to lose all those fans doing something they don´t want, is a different kind of risk than to make a new IP, sure, but is also a risk. Just look the backlash that Wind Waker had because the artstyle was completely new and different even if today is considered one the most beautiful games Nintendo has ever made.

DerNebel said:

Hence my point. Games are what makes a videoconsole "iconic", not the videoconsole itself; thus the reason why you'd call Playstation iconic in the first place is because of the Sony franchises and healthy third-party support you can play on it. Same goes for Nintendo, or are you implying Nintendo would have been iconic relying only on Love Hotels?


Remove the games from the console and the brand itself might manage to carry on towards a new generation, but it'd die along with its iconic status on the next one.

Goodnightmoon said:
Qwark said:
Nintendo may have saven the industrie but Sony Let the industrie to bloom again and continue doing this. Diversity is Key even now Sony comes with until dawn and Dreams and creates New genres. In which they are kind of unique, unlike Nintendo which is operating mostly in there safe zone of 2d platformers, partygames, sportgames and games From an era where Nintendo had bigger balls, like Zelda, Metroid and Starfox and Pikmin aND rarely a new IP. Whereas Sony dares to write of succesfull IP's as uncharted Jack and probably GOW after GOW 4 to create something New like TLOU.

On the last 15 years Nintendo has created and/or published:

- Pikmin
- Animal Crossing (28 milion sold)
- Chibi Robot
- Advance Wars
- Golden Sun
- Wii Sport (most bundled game ever)
- Wii Fit
- Xenoblade 
- Brain Age (35 milion sold)
- Rythym Paradise 
- Nintendogs ( 30 milion sold)
- Picross
- Inazuma Eleven
- The last Story
- Pandora´s Tower
- Nintendoland
- Todomachi Life 
- The wonderfull 101 
- Splatoon (already the most popular online shooter in Japan history)

All new Ips and I´m leaving some out, there are still more, so your argument about new Ips is invalid. But not only that, Nintendo has taken risks changing their own a IP on radical ways instead of being the same all over again, compare games like Mario sunshine, Mario galaxy and Super Mario Maker, or Zelda Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and a link between worlds, or Kid Icarus vs Kid Icarus uprising and you see HUGE changes, they also convert their Ips in new stuff like in Luigi´s Mansion or Captain Toad, same ips, totally different games. Now compare that to the changes on Jak and daxter, Uncharted, GOW etc, they are almost no difference, and no risk.

Jak had a standalone which was different and do tell me how the Metroid prime Mario Bros and Pikmin games where different from another now let's see the Sony list. PSP PS2, PS3, PSV and PS4 and big games only +1 million 




Jack and Daxter 

Ratchet and Clank

God of war 

The order 


Demon souls


The last of us



Heavenly Sword


Shadow of the collosus 

Heavy Rain 



Beyond two souls 

Out of the top of my head and not or at least the games I remember that is, since I don't play JRPG  or Yakuza type of games. Many Sony IP's have changed Infamous Killzone one and second son are playing very differently as does Killzone 2 and 3 compared to either one or shadow fall which is more of a stealth strategic game. Besides except for GT and R and C Sony tends to not hold on for IP's for too long. Sony New IP's on the horizon I care about.


Until Dawn

Horizon new dawn 



On PSN I could count 




Super stardust a few other Housemarque games but since I can't remember the name they where not iconic to me.






Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar