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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - What you think of Crackdown's Cloud Computing?

Remember the Cell? Remember when Sony said something like "The more PS3s in use, the more powerful the console would be"? Like they were some sort of Matrix. This is probably the M$ version of that.

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Mystro-Sama said:
Michelasso said:
Lortsamler said:
Michelasso said:
Lortsamler said:
I got a 200 Mb connection,and that's equal to a 25 MB memory bandwidth. How this cloud computing is supposed to work,is beyond me. The only thing i can think ofthat will work, is post processing. I need to see this before i belive it.

It's remote processing. And it is quite old technology in IT terms. Sun Microsystem implemented the RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) in the 1980s. Simply put developers have a set of API where when they call a subroutine the execution can be requested on a remote server. So in parallel programming one can send the execution of some jobs to a bunch of servers freeing the CPU which can do other tasks.

Both the latency and bandwidth are relevant, with the latter affecting more the total "computation time" larger they are the chunks of data sent. But for example one could use RPCs to have a game like Watch Dogs decrypting some user defined keys. The amount of data would be negligible but the computation times could be exceptionally high.

In Crackdown case the bandwidth should matter, because the "Cloud" (remote servers) have to send back the shape and position of each piece. Lower the bandwidth longer it would take for a buinding to explode, or less pieces must be computed. It may also happen that in the real environment (Internet) some pieces not arriving in time get discarded. Or another implementation would be to have a deferred computation. After the explosion is triggered the remote servers start to compute its whole dynamic and send it as a stream to the client (the console). the client then for each frame picks up the relevant data (already stored) and does the final rendering considering the Point of View and other factors.

Still there is a lot of smoke and mirrors. 20x the power of the XB1 means nothing. Is MS referring to the CPU (the one usually computing this kind of physics) or the GPU? In the first case it would be 2 TFLOPS per explosion. In the latter 26 TFLOPS. I highly doubt it takes so much for that kind of effect.

Also this is not the "Cloud power" MS promised at the reveal, where the Cloud can help rendering. That one simply isn't possible. The total latency in Internet is so high that once the data reaches the client the console is already computing other frames.

I am thinking there must be some some procedural generation technics involved,because i can imagine that would work.

"No Man's Sky" indeed could use the Cloud to generate the worlds. But as far as I understood  (with my surprise) that is not the case. It's probably like in Mineraft where each single seed generates its own world which is the same for everyone for that seed. And the world generation is computed in game.

Still it doesn't really matter. Communication performances apart from a theoretical point of view any algorithm that can be done in a local host can be implemented also using the Cloud. The Cloud servers can be seen as extra CPU cores dedicated to specific tasks. But the problem is indeed the time of sending the data from the remote servers to the "hub". If the time it takes to receive the data is higher than what it would be computing the same data locally it's just a waste. This greatly reduces the number of possible applications, especially real time applications like the video games.

Then let's not forget about the cost. Even if it is internal "phoney money" XBL must pay Azure for the resources used.

No Man's Sky doesn't need the the cloud. Everything is generated around you in a certain proximity and more things are generated as you move. They have a video explaining it.

We know that No man's sky does'nt use the cloud,we were only discussing om what type of code that might benefit from the cloud.

Zappykins said:

The misinformation and assumptions on this thread are funny as many are incorrect. Azure, or 'The Cloud' will use up to 11 severs to render the structure of the city - which is large and destructable.  The your local computer will decompress , like it does when you watch a movie off Youtube or Netflix, and apply your prescpective and other details.  It doesn't use that much bandwith at 2-4 down and 1 up.

Here is a demo from a few years ago from what Microsoft and Nvidia were working on together. 

I remember that demo and these were the results

Irradiance maps would fit within the bandwidth yet don't look any better than what we already have locally.
Voxels are already exceeding the bandwidth limit.
Photons is where you start to see noticeably better lighting, yet is also way out of reach.

That 2-4 mbps bandwidth will be used to send changes in geometry to the client, and changes in direction and velocity of existing active chunks. So in a sense it does work like video compression as it only needs to send what changes, except it's lossless and likely doesn't need to update free falling objects (console can easily do that) Ofcourse there are still limits, 4mbps is 17kb per frame at 30fps, not a whole lot when everything blows up.

Azzanation said:

Theres no point in trying to justify your point, i am not disagreeing or agreeing with your post, however MS stated 3 x the power of the X1 which they have proven. MS have the server structure and looks like there trying to implement it into there gaming devision. Regardless MS havnt lied, what they stated has so far been true. Those who want to shoot it down can, but the problem with listening to them is that what if there wrong? In this case its looking like the truth is finially coming out and the next gen wave of online games might be around the corner.

From what i have seen from Gamescon, is proof that what they stated in 2013 is more true then false. its amazing technologly and Sony or Nintendo probably couldnt afford to do this. 

You have to take risks to break the boundaries of reality, you will be made to look like a fool but if your successful, they would have make the world look like just as foolish. The greatest scientists in the world have visions that sound stupid, however its there visions that continue to grow mankind.

What MS is doing is unqiue and risky however i like what i see and there the only ones pushing it.

I was not justifying my point. It doesn't need any justification since it was a technical explanation. It is either right or wrong.

Regarding the 3x the power of Xbone, MS proved nothing.To say the Cloud will make the Xbone 3x more powerful is a clear statement. It means that thanks to the Cloud in any situation the computations will be up to 3x faster. Which means the Cloud could help doubling and more the frame rate in a game and I showed how that is impossible in general, since the Internet latency is higher than high. Unless MS puts a server under the bum of every Xboxers on the planet and gives all of them dedicated fiber optics lines directly connected to that server.

And the same applies to Crackdown. I read around that the Cloud in Crackdown will make the Xbone 20x more powerful. Bollocks. The power furnished by the Xbone stays the same (although I could relax this a bit if the case above was possible). The Cloud can furnish to each console all the power it is capable of. But it doesn't raise the power of the console. That 20x (which as I explained in the other thread means little, MS should specify how much computing power in TFLOPS each simulation is using) could well be 10x or 100x that it could make no difference. The simulations and their rendering are deferred. The only constraint is that each time a frame is rendered the console must have already the simulation data for that frame. And it would just make sense to have the last frame rendered long after the last simulation data has been received (to reduce to nealy zero the chances of skipping data due to latency spikes or else).

So from a technical point of view the interesting specs would be how much in TFLOPS is the computer power needed to compute an average explosion and how long it lasts. We will get an approsimation of the latter just monitoring the traffic on the routers. When the Cloud sends the simulation data there will be an hill in the traffic chart. Its lenght in seconds will be about the time the Cloud spent to compute it (faster the connection, more precise the measurement). If it will be 2 seconds long, while the rendering will take 15-20 seconds it means that a powerful PC can do it without any help from Cloud.

Then one thing I didn't see discussed (well, I may have missed it). Is Crackdown 3 blowing up buildings in single player as well? If so what are the differences between the "Cloud powered" MP and the SP? Did MS show anyhting about it?

Mystro-Sama said:

Would be cool if it was just a multiplayer feature.

It IS just a multiplayer feature.


The PS5 Exists. 

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Single player won't have destruction eviroments like multiplayer and will work offline.

It will be only for multiplayer mode the chaotic destruction, on single player storywise player made descruction would be contrary to story development.

That has been confirmed, but I can't bother to search again and link.

Michelasso said:
Azzanation said:

Theres no point in trying to justify your point, i am not disagreeing or agreeing with your post, however MS stated 3 x the power of the X1 which they have proven. MS have the server structure and looks like there trying to implement it into there gaming devision. Regardless MS havnt lied, what they stated has so far been true. Those who want to shoot it down can, but the problem with listening to them is that what if there wrong? In this case its looking like the truth is finially coming out and the next gen wave of online games might be around the corner.

From what i have seen from Gamescon, is proof that what they stated in 2013 is more true then false. its amazing technologly and Sony or Nintendo probably couldnt afford to do this. 

You have to take risks to break the boundaries of reality, you will be made to look like a fool but if your successful, they would have make the world look like just as foolish. The greatest scientists in the world have visions that sound stupid, however its there visions that continue to grow mankind.

What MS is doing is unqiue and risky however i like what i see and there the only ones pushing it.

I was not justifying my point. It doesn't need any justification since it was a technical explanation. It is either right or wrong.

Regarding the 3x the power of Xbone, MS proved nothing.To say the Cloud will make the Xbone 3x more powerful is a clear statement. It means that thanks to the Cloud in any situation the computations will be up to 3x faster. Which means the Cloud could help doubling and more the frame rate in a game and I showed how that is impossible in general, since the Internet latency is higher than high. Unless MS puts a server under the bum of every Xboxers on the planet and gives all of them dedicated fiber optics lines directly connected to that server.

And the same applies to Crackdown. I read around that the Cloud in Crackdown will make the Xbone 20x more powerful. Bollocks. The power furnished by the Xbone stays the same (although I could relax this a bit if the case above was possible). The Cloud can furnish to each console all the power it is capable of. But it doesn't raise the power of the console. That 20x (which as I explained in the other thread means little, MS should specify how much computing power in TFLOPS each simulation is using) could well be 10x or 100x that it could make no difference. The simulations and their rendering are deferred. The only constraint is that each time a frame is rendered the console must have already the simulation data for that frame. And it would just make sense to have the last frame rendered long after the last simulation data has been received (to reduce to nealy zero the chances of skipping data due to latency spikes or else).

So from a technical point of view the interesting specs would be how much in TFLOPS is the computer power needed to compute an average explosion and how long it lasts. We will get an approsimation of the latter just monitoring the traffic on the routers. When the Cloud sends the simulation data there will be an hill in the traffic chart. Its lenght in seconds will be about the time the Cloud spent to compute it (faster the connection, more precise the measurement). If it will be 2 seconds long, while the rendering will take 15-20 seconds it means that a powerful PC can do it without any help from Cloud.

Then one thing I didn't see discussed (well, I may have missed it). Is Crackdown 3 blowing up buildings in single player as well? If so what are the differences between the "Cloud powered" MP and the SP? Did MS show anyhting about it?

I am not sure what your trying to prove. If your trying to think MS lied to the gaming world or if this tech doesnt work. They proved quite clearly this tech works and it grants more power for the devs to play with. Yes Azure Cloud Compute will deliever games more powerful then a XB1. So no, MS didnt lie and Cloud tech works, all these demos are proof.

You will be able to play Crackdown 3 single player mode offline which means they cant use Cloud Computing. The Multiplayer needs an online connection regardless so Cloud Compute will be standard for it. My guess is single player will just use standard physics for its gameplay. If you add Azure physics to the single player mode then the campaign would be too easy and broken because all you would need to do is blow up all the buildings to kill the bosses etc. Thats why its smart of them not to include it into the solo game.

Azzanation said:

I am not sure what your trying to prove. If your trying to think MS lied to the gaming world or if this tech doesnt work. They proved quite clearly this tech works and it grants more power for the devs to play with. Yes Azure Cloud Compute will deliever games more powerful then a XB1. So no, MS didnt lie and Cloud tech works, all these demos are proof.

You will be able to play Crackdown 3 single player mode offline which means they cant use Cloud Computing. The Multiplayer needs an online connection regardless so Cloud Compute will be standard for it. My guess is single player will just use standard physics for its gameplay. If you add Azure physics to the single player mode then the campaign would be too easy and broken because all you would need to do is blow up all the buildings to kill the bosses etc. Thats why its smart of them not to include it into the solo game.

It seems like you're just arguing semantics.

For one, nothing is proven until it actually runs on an XBox One in some ones living room. The tech demos are looking good however.
Secondly, it does not make the xbox one more powerful, it gives the dedicated server more resources to play with. In the end it's no different than a dedicated server tracking 256 players, projectiles and explosions, sending all that to the clients. Or an MMORPG connecting your console to thousands of other players at the same time and tracking many more AI opponents.
The innovation is that the server can alter geometry on the client on a much larger scale than has been seen before. Yet there is no extra power. It all has to be rendered. AC Unity has the most realistic lighting by storing many GBs of precomputed lighting data on the disk. That could have been downloaded from the cloud as well. Yet if it were streamed from a server instead of streamed from the HDD, would that mean the console is now more powerful?
Plus why isn't Forza 6 using the cloud to add dynamic weather and day/night cycle? They're still sticking to prebaked lighting.

Kinda funny you say it's smart not to include it in the solo game as it would be bad for gameplay. So what does that mean for multiplayer, just all out death match while blowing up buildings?

solidpumar said:
Single player won't have destruction eviroments like multiplayer and will work offline.

It will be only for multiplayer mode the chaotic destruction, on single player storywise player made descruction would be contrary to story development.

That has been confirmed, but I can't bother to search again and link.

No, they said it would be limited compared to the multiplayer which is unlimited. For game design.

SvennoJ said:
Azzanation said:

I am not sure what your trying to prove. If your trying to think MS lied to the gaming world or if this tech doesnt work. They proved quite clearly this tech works and it grants more power for the devs to play with. Yes Azure Cloud Compute will deliever games more powerful then a XB1. So no, MS didnt lie and Cloud tech works, all these demos are proof.

You will be able to play Crackdown 3 single player mode offline which means they cant use Cloud Computing. The Multiplayer needs an online connection regardless so Cloud Compute will be standard for it. My guess is single player will just use standard physics for its gameplay. If you add Azure physics to the single player mode then the campaign would be too easy and broken because all you would need to do is blow up all the buildings to kill the bosses etc. Thats why its smart of them not to include it into the solo game.

It seems like you're just arguing semantics.

For one, nothing is proven until it actually runs on an XBox One in some ones living room. The tech demos are looking good however.
Secondly, it does not make the xbox one more powerful, it gives the dedicated server more resources to play with. In the end it's no different than a dedicated server tracking 256 players, projectiles and explosions, sending all that to the clients. Or an MMORPG connecting your console to thousands of other players at the same time and tracking many more AI opponents.
The innovation is that the server can alter geometry on the client on a much larger scale than has been seen before. Yet there is no extra power. It all has to be rendered. AC Unity has the most realistic lighting by storing many GBs of precomputed lighting data on the disk. That could have been downloaded from the cloud as well. Yet if it were streamed from a server instead of streamed from the HDD, would that mean the console is now more powerful?
Plus why isn't Forza 6 using the cloud to add dynamic weather and day/night cycle? They're still sticking to prebaked lighting.

Kinda funny you say it's smart not to include it in the solo game as it would be bad for gameplay. So what does that mean for multiplayer, just all out death match while blowing up buildings?

I know what your trying to do and i have seen your post history. You are not a fan of MS and will downplay anything that seems to be good for the console. Just like what your doing now.

For starters what Crackdown 3 is doing is in another league to what your comparing it to. To do those physics in Crackdown 3 requires more then what 1 next gen console can achieve which is why its very impressive. It doesnt make your console physicaly more powerful, however its like your XB1 has access to a supercomputer that allows the games to look even better then it should.

How would you make a campaign when everything can blow up? You cant, unless the sole focus of the game is blowing stuff up which isnt what Crackdown is about. There has to be a story mode which limits the player in doing things that makes him OP. Example, if you have to kill a Boss in a well guarded building and you cant do it, the player can just keep shooting at the buildings structure to over come all the games challengers. Does that sound fun? Doesnt for me. Which is why there keeping it for Multiplayer only, running around blowing up buildings with a friend sounds more entertaining and it sounds like an amazing death match mode too.

Why are you bringing up Forza 6? And why are you judging the game thats not finished? FM6 doesnt use Cloud compute because that requires the player to be always online which if you remembered in 2013 E3 when MS annouced the XB1 to be always online, everyone threw a sissy fit. Both FM6 and Crackdown 3 have a offline mode which is what most gamers want. Since multiplayer needs an online connection, they can add cloud cmpute to it if they choose to.

I dont make games, i am just using common sense. What they showed was impressive and looks to be very real to me. Its not finished yet as Crackdown 3 is still a work in progress however if your comparing it to last gen thats a joke. Completely different methods. Plus MS have the facilties to use Cloud Compute world wide since Azure is available in most countries which gives MS a huge advantage over Sony and Nintendo whos cloud services are limited. Unless Sony and NIntendo start using Cloud services outside there buisness which can be a very expensive hobby.