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Azzanation said:

I am not sure what your trying to prove. If your trying to think MS lied to the gaming world or if this tech doesnt work. They proved quite clearly this tech works and it grants more power for the devs to play with. Yes Azure Cloud Compute will deliever games more powerful then a XB1. So no, MS didnt lie and Cloud tech works, all these demos are proof.

You will be able to play Crackdown 3 single player mode offline which means they cant use Cloud Computing. The Multiplayer needs an online connection regardless so Cloud Compute will be standard for it. My guess is single player will just use standard physics for its gameplay. If you add Azure physics to the single player mode then the campaign would be too easy and broken because all you would need to do is blow up all the buildings to kill the bosses etc. Thats why its smart of them not to include it into the solo game.

It seems like you're just arguing semantics.

For one, nothing is proven until it actually runs on an XBox One in some ones living room. The tech demos are looking good however.
Secondly, it does not make the xbox one more powerful, it gives the dedicated server more resources to play with. In the end it's no different than a dedicated server tracking 256 players, projectiles and explosions, sending all that to the clients. Or an MMORPG connecting your console to thousands of other players at the same time and tracking many more AI opponents.
The innovation is that the server can alter geometry on the client on a much larger scale than has been seen before. Yet there is no extra power. It all has to be rendered. AC Unity has the most realistic lighting by storing many GBs of precomputed lighting data on the disk. That could have been downloaded from the cloud as well. Yet if it were streamed from a server instead of streamed from the HDD, would that mean the console is now more powerful?
Plus why isn't Forza 6 using the cloud to add dynamic weather and day/night cycle? They're still sticking to prebaked lighting.

Kinda funny you say it's smart not to include it in the solo game as it would be bad for gameplay. So what does that mean for multiplayer, just all out death match while blowing up buildings?