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Michelasso said:
Azzanation said:

Theres no point in trying to justify your point, i am not disagreeing or agreeing with your post, however MS stated 3 x the power of the X1 which they have proven. MS have the server structure and looks like there trying to implement it into there gaming devision. Regardless MS havnt lied, what they stated has so far been true. Those who want to shoot it down can, but the problem with listening to them is that what if there wrong? In this case its looking like the truth is finially coming out and the next gen wave of online games might be around the corner.

From what i have seen from Gamescon, is proof that what they stated in 2013 is more true then false. its amazing technologly and Sony or Nintendo probably couldnt afford to do this. 

You have to take risks to break the boundaries of reality, you will be made to look like a fool but if your successful, they would have make the world look like just as foolish. The greatest scientists in the world have visions that sound stupid, however its there visions that continue to grow mankind.

What MS is doing is unqiue and risky however i like what i see and there the only ones pushing it.

I was not justifying my point. It doesn't need any justification since it was a technical explanation. It is either right or wrong.

Regarding the 3x the power of Xbone, MS proved nothing.To say the Cloud will make the Xbone 3x more powerful is a clear statement. It means that thanks to the Cloud in any situation the computations will be up to 3x faster. Which means the Cloud could help doubling and more the frame rate in a game and I showed how that is impossible in general, since the Internet latency is higher than high. Unless MS puts a server under the bum of every Xboxers on the planet and gives all of them dedicated fiber optics lines directly connected to that server.

And the same applies to Crackdown. I read around that the Cloud in Crackdown will make the Xbone 20x more powerful. Bollocks. The power furnished by the Xbone stays the same (although I could relax this a bit if the case above was possible). The Cloud can furnish to each console all the power it is capable of. But it doesn't raise the power of the console. That 20x (which as I explained in the other thread means little, MS should specify how much computing power in TFLOPS each simulation is using) could well be 10x or 100x that it could make no difference. The simulations and their rendering are deferred. The only constraint is that each time a frame is rendered the console must have already the simulation data for that frame. And it would just make sense to have the last frame rendered long after the last simulation data has been received (to reduce to nealy zero the chances of skipping data due to latency spikes or else).

So from a technical point of view the interesting specs would be how much in TFLOPS is the computer power needed to compute an average explosion and how long it lasts. We will get an approsimation of the latter just monitoring the traffic on the routers. When the Cloud sends the simulation data there will be an hill in the traffic chart. Its lenght in seconds will be about the time the Cloud spent to compute it (faster the connection, more precise the measurement). If it will be 2 seconds long, while the rendering will take 15-20 seconds it means that a powerful PC can do it without any help from Cloud.

Then one thing I didn't see discussed (well, I may have missed it). Is Crackdown 3 blowing up buildings in single player as well? If so what are the differences between the "Cloud powered" MP and the SP? Did MS show anyhting about it?

I am not sure what your trying to prove. If your trying to think MS lied to the gaming world or if this tech doesnt work. They proved quite clearly this tech works and it grants more power for the devs to play with. Yes Azure Cloud Compute will deliever games more powerful then a XB1. So no, MS didnt lie and Cloud tech works, all these demos are proof.

You will be able to play Crackdown 3 single player mode offline which means they cant use Cloud Computing. The Multiplayer needs an online connection regardless so Cloud Compute will be standard for it. My guess is single player will just use standard physics for its gameplay. If you add Azure physics to the single player mode then the campaign would be too easy and broken because all you would need to do is blow up all the buildings to kill the bosses etc. Thats why its smart of them not to include it into the solo game.