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Forums - Politics Discussion - A normal day for an open gay couple in Russia...

Skullwaker said:
GTstation said:
Most find gays weird its not something a normal person can identify with, in Russia you can openly be sick of it. Most else where you have to accept it. This is the only difference.

You don't "have" to accept it anywhere. If you're trying to imply that the only reason people do accept it is because they feel like they are forced, then you're absolutely wrong and it's horrible for you to try to insinuate that.

Furthermore, define normal. Because I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as a "normal" person, and if you're trying to say that a normal person is straight, then I have a feeling this conversation will go south real damn fast.

Life is much more complicated than that, it's just society that decides what is normal or not, and dont fool yourself, politic is behind all this, it's always politic , they didnt change the law to be nice and tolerant, gays are just a tool for politicians, like feminist were few decades ago

There is no normality by the law of the nature, there are just things allowed and forbidden by the law and the society

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Aerys said:
Skullwaker said:

You don't "have" to accept it anywhere. If you're trying to imply that the only reason people do accept it is because they feel like they are forced, then you're absolutely wrong and it's horrible for you to try to insinuate that.

Furthermore, define normal. Because I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as a "normal" person, and if you're trying to say that a normal person is straight, then I have a feeling this conversation will go south real damn fast.

Life is much more complicated than that, it's just society that decides what is normal or not, and dont fool yourself, politic is behind all this, it's always politic , they didnt change the law to be nice and tolerant, gays are just a tool for politicians, like feminist were few decades ago

There is no normality by the law of the nature, there are just things allowed and forbidden by the law and the society

No ? strong survive pass on their geans the weak die.  Id say that one hell of a law of nature.

GTstation said:
Aerys said:

Life is much more complicated than that, it's just society that decides what is normal or not, and dont fool yourself, politic is behind all this, it's always politic , they didnt change the law to be nice and tolerant, gays are just a tool for politicians, like feminist were few decades ago

There is no normality by the law of the nature, there are just things allowed and forbidden by the law and the society

No ? strong survive pass on their geans the weak die.  Id say that one hell of a law of nature.

Not always, human laws say the weak one can make a group to become strong together

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

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QUAKECore89 said:

That's silly..... Same gender holding their hands like a friendship is gay? There's nothing wrong with this. Everybody do that. xD

For girls maybe, not sure what country you live in where 2 guys holding hands is normal. 

Sadly Russia is stuck in the past in terms of modern values. They're very conservative as a country, and love the image of the strong man/leader. Valdimir Putin stylizes himself as the epitome of masculine strengh and while it includes silly bare-chested bear hunting promotional shots, it also includes heterosexuality very firmly. We all know about the discriminatroy laws that were passed just prior to the Sochi olympic games. And while no doubt countless of people are suffering, the general consensus in the country seems to be in favor of these policies and of the discrimination against 'weak' homosexuals.
It's not just homophobia either. There are also massive problems with racism. We have friends that decided to leave country after their children were denied to enrol in school, on the grounds of their father being from afghanistan. The mother is russian and the kids were born there, but that didn't matter, the father was brown after all.
It's a sad situation that is not helped by low living standarts and suffering economy in many places. Add to that the decades of having to conform to a rigorous regime that punished any sort of deviation in pursuit of the greater goal and encuraged spying and telling on each other, the fact that even today freedom of press is dodgy at best and that corruption runs throughout the system.
You have a perfect breeding ground for intolerance, ignorance and racism. It's a vicious circle.

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GTstation said:
Goodnightmoon said:

I think there is something really evil in what you try to say here, not sure if it´s a lost in translation thing but are you justifying the violence against gay people for being... gay?

You can indentify with that people easily, because that people is just like you.

Not justifying just stating that its Russia,  not else where but Russia.  But neither do i really care.

By the way lol are you some white knight on a silver stallion gay defender looking for a fight with anything but crazy devot gay support? LMAO evil, you made my day.  

Maybe you can but i sure can't identify with a dude that wants to suck a dick and get fkd in the ass.  

What if that gay dude it's just a gay clone of you, that it's exactly the same as you with the exception of his/her sexuality? :P

I'm now filled with determination.

Well, Russia hates abnormal-ness, fuck, that sucks, you can freely be a dick to minorities and get away with because no one cares/no one is brave enough to stand for them, still stuck in the middle age, I see, except they weren't executed on the spot, so that's an improvement. Hopefully something happens there that incitivices acceptance and tolerance, whick are some of our best qualities as human beings.

I'm now filled with determination.

Skullwaker said:

We talked about this song the other day, Goodnight. Not only is it a criticism of the Catholic Church's stance on homosexuality, but the video also depicts the cruelty towards homosexual people in Russia. It is a sad and tragic state of affairs, and I wish that one day it changes for the better.

there is no (big) catholic curch in russia
it's the russian orthodox one

Wow, how sad. From the Russians that I've met, I feel like they really aren't nice people.
Oh well, at least those guys could walk around legally in Russia. In a country like Saudi or Iran, they would have been put in jail.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Kinda bad to suggest that the video is cherry picking the worst of a walk to highlight it... I mean I could walk around for eternity in my town and not have to consider abuse like this so even if it is highlighting the worst abuse those guys gets it still shouldn't happen.

Feel pretty sickened for all the people who walk around and can't show love towards their partners in public because of this or for those who dare to show love and don't happen to have a camera crew near them to stop abuse turning violent on the couple.

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