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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Fanboyism Evolution


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The classic Nintentacle e... 9 24.32%
The classic Nintentacle e... 9 24.32%
The classic Nintentacle experience here. Meh. 19 51.35%

1985-2015 always Nintendo

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

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My early 90s was an odd one that I barely remember. My sister had the NES, so I got to play a few games on that. I also fell n love with Sonic, so I bought a Genesis just to play Sonic games. Oddly, I never got a Sonic game, except Sonic Spinball, which was really fun. I also got an SNES at some point, with games I really enjoyed. I started to remember things when I got the N64, so...

96: Was amazed with Mario 64 and 3D gaming in general for the first time, so I asked for one for Christmas. I never got a PS1, hardly knowing it existed, and I called it the policestation. I was a dumb kid. (8 years old I think...)

00: I think I got a Dreamcast after I played Sonic Adventure. That first stage was so amazing, I wanted to have a Dreamcast. I got a couple of sweet games on it too : ) Maybe 12 or 13...

01: I saw the gamecube and melee. Was blown away by the visuals compared to 64 and the incredible speed. Got the GC on Christmas. Was 13 believe...

03: I believe I finished 1st year of high school. I met with friends, one of them bringing a PS2 and DDR Max, which started my love of DDR and eventually buying a PS2, regrettably selling some games to get it. First time entering the PS space, and deciding never to sell games ever again. Was 15 I guess...?

07-08: Got a Wii at the end of my 2nd year of uni. I already had Smash Bros Brawl ready to play and got Trauma Center, being introduced to it before. Mostly played on that for the rest of my uni days. Also started collecting cool PS2 games, like RPGs, quirky games, and Horror games. 18 or 19 years old...Maybe 20..?

11: Graduated, and started work, I didn't have any consoles at the time, cept a DS. I saw a sweet special skin for the PS3. I bought it and started getting games for it. 22 or 23...

13: Got a Wii U after I saw 3D World, I had to have it. Been playing on that since. 25 I think..?

Currently, still with my Wii U, not quite interested in the other consoles yet.



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Please note that this might not reflect my way of thinking right now.

1995 - Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World are super fun.

1998 - That Playstation is the future. More fun than my SNES. And them graphics!

2000 - I own like 5 Playstation games, and I think it's the best platform so far.

2001 - Grand Theft Auto III is the best game in the history. So mindblowing.

2003 - Ratchet & Clank are the best duo out there.

2005 - Xbox? Pfft! Playstation 2 is the best console in the history of humankind.

2007 - Ratchet & Clank kicks Jak and Daxter's ass everyday. And I can prove it in every way.

2009 - The PS3 is the best console ever.

2012 - PC gaming? Why would I want to build a $2000 rig when I play conveniently my favorite exclusives on a console?

2013 - Damn! That PS4 is the best console ever! It won't be surpassed.

2015 - Wow Sony, you made the PS4 the best console ever.

1995 - SNES is awesome
1998 - N64/PSX is awesome (Got used N64 as a gift from someone in September/ got PSX from someone in December)
1997?-1999? - Pokemon and GB is awesome
2002 - GC and Smash is awesome
2004 - PS2 and Grandia 2 is awesome
2006 - DS is awesome
2007 - Wii is awesome
2007 - 360 is awesome and I love Tales of Vesperia and Ace Combat 6
2008 - PS3 is meh I blame MGS4
2009 - PS3 is improving
2010 - PS3 is awesome
2011 - Xbox360 is meh
2011 - 3DS is awesome
2012 - Why did I buy 360
2013 - Wii U is alright
2014 - PS4 is alright but DS4 is awesome
2014 - PSTV is mehish
2015(first half) - PS4 drought & Wii U drought both are alright consoles. 
2010-2015 - PC is awesome

Given I don't know if I consider my self a fanboy of anything. Last thing was Tales.


I don't really know the dates and I'm not going to look them up so I'm just going to present them in order.

1)  My father brought home an Atari 2600, probably more for my older sisters, but it quickly became mine and I had to beg them to play Combat with me.

A rich, preppy kid--you know, wore his polo tucked into his shorts--got an Intellivision.  I learned to hate him and his smug sense of superiority.  This was my first taste of the fanboy wars.  He would brag the loudest but everyone else in class was on Team Atari.

2)  NES Phase.  I would go over to my friend's house and play.  It took a long time for me to save Christmas and Birthday money enough to buy my own.  The first big purchase of my life.  Mario was included but, despite trying to play it many, many times, I never felt the least sense of engagement and quickly changed to another game.

Everyone was Team Nintendo then, so I can't remember any fanboyism.

3)  SNES Phase.  I got one pretty late, to be honest, as I'd gotten kind of bored with the limited game-play of the NES.  I traded a rich kid some skateboard parts for his SNES and four games.

The SNES, despite a few great games like A Link to the Past, bored me a lot more than the NES.  Gaming was just something I did to pass time or when I was with friends, I wasn't a "gamer" and it was far from my principle hobby.  There were a few Sega fans but, again, it was a Nintendo world.

The biggest event for me during this period was stumbling over Final Fantasy VI.  It made me truly and honestly excited about gaming but, unfortunately, I wasn't able to find many other games in the same mold.  I drifted away from gaming once more.

4)  Playstation 1 phase.  Ah, here we go.  This is the big one.  I remember when Playstation launched, how resentful I was.  Who did Sony think they were?  I wanted Nintendo to crush them, to show them no mercy.  Worse, Sony was talking smack with that damned Bandicoot.

Then came Final Fantasy VII and everything changed.  At first I was angry.  I tried to deny it but I could not.  That magazine ad, the one with the "big guns", I thought it was so disrespectful.  I pouted but, at the same time, I had this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.  Finally, against my own heart, I jumped to Playstation and truly fell in love with gaming for the first time.  This was a magical time for me, without doubt, as I found the Suikoden series, Final Fantasy Tactics, Bushido Blade, more Final Fantasy titles, by far the best racing I'd ever played with Gran Turismo--the enjoyment kept coming.

Moreover, I felt some resentment toward Nintendo.  I didn't know anything about Sony and Nintendo politics back then, all I knew was that Nintendo no longer had the games I wanted to play.  It felt like they were turning their backs on me, because my tastes in gaming were expanding.  It was like they were saying, "if you don't want to play OUR games then we don't need you."  This soon mellowed out as I became a firm Playstation fan and my feelings toward Nintendo were closer to apathy.

Honestly, I was so happy with my Playstation that I didn't even look in the N64's direction.  I don't remember being antagonistic toward the Team Nintendo people, though.  There was still a part of me that felt bad about turning my coat.  Nintendo die-hards were laying low, as well, I think, as the exodus to Playstation among my peers was overwhelming.

5) PC phase A.  Around the time the PS2 launched, I got my first PC, basically for free.  Mechwarrior and Baldur's Gate blew me away, quite frankly, and for the first time I began to look at my former console brethren with scorn.  

Now, honestly, I wanted a PS2 but, bloody hell, they were so damned expensive.  Still, when I looked at console users, I was mildly disgusted.  Why had I been so cocky before?  This PC, this glorious personal computer, these games smote consoles with heavenly wrath.  Why could others not see this?  Their bickering seemed so petty.

6) PS2 phase.  So the PS2 dropped in price, I bought one, and all my PC-born arrogance went out the window.  I had a blast.

This was also another big moment in my fanboy development because, for the first time, I felt unbridled contempt for Nintendo.  Their big rival for the PS2 was a purple lunch box?  Oh, dear gaming gods.  No longer did I feel any sense of attachment.  Nintendo was dead to me.  It was for kids and anyone who defended Nintendo in public got sneered at.

Sega was okay, though, because it was no threat.  People who had a Sega console were cool and it was seen as a good compliment to the PS2.  I bought a Dreamcast, the first time I owned two consoles from the same gen.

After that, the Xbox launched and there was a lot of bitterness and unrest.  Part of it was because many of the first Xbox fans were elitists who bragged about "l33t grfx".  It was really ugly.  Xbox guys would go on about Halo and technical specifications and PS2 guys would be like, "well, we have twelve billion games releasing this week."

7) PC phase B.  I discovered MMOs, Ragnarok Online, and WoW.  Time stopped.

I came home every night to level or to raid.  I had no time for fanboy wars.  I was vaguely aware of the 360 doing well, of the PS3 being $18,000, and of teenage girls and old people playing Wii Sports but it wasn't something I cared about.

8) Re-entry into console gaming.  So, yeah, my best friend passed away.  He was my MMO partner, the person I adventured with or talked to when we were solo.  I was gutted.  WoW seemed so hollow, MMOs seemed so empty.  I walked away from years of character building and began looking for something else.

And ran straight into the face of fanboy wars.  I entered with a bit of lingering feelings about the different console manufacturers but nothing very meaningful.  I was relatively open-minded.  The first thing I did was a little research.  The second was to seek opinions.  This included going to different forums/chat rooms and asking, basically which console I should buy.

Oh, my.

This was my first taste of the die-hard Wii crowd.  I'd asked something like, "what are the best games on each console."  Then, without thinking, I said, "but I don't like Mario games."  Now, this was simply the truth but I might as well have stabbed Miyamoto in the spleen.  I was Marked.  Thus my first exposure to online Nintendo fans was really negative.

It wasn't much better elsewhere.  My first memory of the PS3/360 rivalry is someone linking screenshots and BOTH SIDES claiming they had the superior version.  I couldn't even see a difference.

Then E3 came around, The Last Guardian was revealed, and my decision was made.

Shut your mouth.

Also, along with everyone else, I was blown the hell away by Uncharted 2.

The PS3 got a redesign and price cut and I picked my side.  At first, I waded into the warzone, too, but I soon got tired of fighting over which multi-plat version was superior and which exclusive was better.  I left 360/PS3 dominated forums and came here--where instead people were arguing about who REALLY was in second place.

9) PC and Playstation, side by side.  This is the phase where I kind of left fanboyism.  I consider myself roughly 50/50 a PC/Console gamer.  I don't really care that much about graphics, I adore variety, I like both small games and big games, and I believe everything brings its own virtues to the table.  I'd love to have everything but I can't validate spending that much on gaming.

I am at peace.


I still like to pick on Nintendo fans, though.  It's soothing.

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Eeh. PS1 + GBC to PS2 + GBA to Wii + DS to Wii U + 3DS.

At this point in time, I wish I knew better about everything. I missed so many good games.

Nowadays, I wish I could buy everything from everyone, but I settle with Nintendo games alone.

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

1990-1996 sega because mario sucks. jrpg type games are cool though.
1996-now stick with playstation mainly (try pc, gamecube, dreamcast) because there is no better option.
the end

2005 - OMG! Gamecube and GBA are the best thing ever!
2006 - OMG! Xbox is the best thing ever and Playstation is dumb!
2010 - Wii is amazing!
2012 - Wii U will revolutionize games and be awesome
2013 - Wii U fanboy
2014 - Eh... the Wii U kinda sucks and XBone is better
2015 - Very dissatisfied with Wii U and Nintendo. I'm now 15 and am able to make more money. Will buy a Ps4 later on.

Early gaming:
Nintendo is awesome I could play all the time.
SNES looks good but what's the difference?
My friend has a SNES it's pretty fun.
I'll get a Sega so we have everything to play.
Man sonic is so cool, and mortal kombat has blood!!
Subscribe to gamepro.
Man some SNES games look great but Gen is better. SNES is for kids.
Buy a SNES. I love my SNES.
Get an n64. Man Nintendo is back baby! Goldeneye rules! Saturn is a joke.
Friend shows me ff7. It looks fun.
Start playing PC a lot more, graphics are way way better.
Starcraft is the best game ever made.
Have a free hour at some gaming place. Play ff7 and tactics.
Don't even touch other consoles.
Buy PS2. Nothing compares.
Friend has dreamcast, play it, it's actually pretty fun. Get one, and a gamecube. now that I work I have tons of spare money.
Gamecube is a disappointment.
Nintendo is dead.
Dreamcast has only 2 good games. Sega is dead.
Playstation is king.
Xbox comes out. MS? What a joke.
Play Halo, actually plays just like goldeneye. Amazing, but I'm not willing to buy such a bulky huge brick for one game.
XB discontinued, no more support. I'm floored.
XB360 coming out. They're just going to do the same thing they did with the last system.
PS3 comes out, 600$. WTF is going on with gaming?
Chance to get a wii at launch. Nah, I'll just get a 360 for me and the roommates.
Feel like console gaming is dead.
Things start to pick up. 360 dies. What a joke. Get it fixed and give it as a present. Lots of games I don't even like.
Get a ps3 when it hits first price drop.
Still PC mainly.
PS3 starts killing it with games. I'm in love again.
All kinds of bad 360 news, glad I got out early, should have never bought one, waste of time and money.
Get a wii. Wii is actually pretty awesome! Lots of great smaller and indie type games that I like.
Main mostly wii and ps3.
kinect. smh
ps4 announced. It's like ps2 al over again. Love love love.
xb1 roll my eyes, same old story from ms, another nickle and diming console.
Get a wiiu, it's fun but no games.
Get ps4. It's amazing.
Sell wiiu.
FF7 remake announced.
I made the right choice :D


Present Day - OMG SMASH BROS

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."