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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why Starfox Zero's graphics are bad

So underwhelmed by this game. I'm still going to get it, but I swear it looks like Star Fox 64 HD. It seriously lacks the ambition this series deserve, I blame Myamoto but I could be wrong. They stayed on their comfort zone and nothing more. Funny cause they keep saying they won't do a other F-zero because of this but I guess Star Fox is fine...


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Alkibiádēs said:

Star Fox is an on-rails shooter, it should have better graphics.

And FRN looks eons beyond Star Fox.

Uh, what? Why would an on-rails shooter have better graphics than a racing game? Star Fox levels are larger than race tracks.

Background assets in FRN look like this:

Arches, buildings, etc in Star Fox look like this:

You think FRN looks better?

I mean I think both look pretty lousy, I also think it doesn't matter even a little bit because in both games you're going to be flying past them so fast you won't even have time to think they look ugly.

Zekkyou said:
I've moved the thread to Nintendo discussion for you, Einsam_Delphin ^^

Thanks a bunch! <(^_^<)

Assuming it runs at 720p on the TV and 854x480 on the Gamepad, that's effectively the equivalent of running in 2-player split screen at 900p/60fps, all the time.

DeusXmachina said:
For me, the biggest problem isn't the quality of the visuals but how empty the world looked.

Yeah it's an on rails game for the most part so background detail like Sonic Generations or Mario Kart 8 woulda been nice especially since you can better take in the sights while flying around.

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Platina said:
I really feel that they should delay this game to polish it a lot more.

It's not coming out next week, you know. Given that it doesn't yet have a release date, I'd imagine there's some time to add an extra coat of paint.

Chrizum said:
What's even worse is that it's basically a remake.

Storywise, it appears so. But gameplaywise, I don't recall SF or SF64 having the gyrowing, or being able to turn the Arwing into a walking tank at the press of a button. And I didn't recognize some of those stages or bosses from those earlier games either. I'm perfectly fine with a remake/reboot of the story; in fact, I'd prefer it. Get as far away from Star Fox Adventures, Assault and Command as possible. But as far as gameplay goes, this is the Star Fox game I have been waiting on for almost two decades now.

burninmylight said:
Chrizum said:
What's even worse is that it's basically a remake.

Storywise, it appears so. But gameplaywise, I don't recall SF or SF64 having the gyrowing, or being able to turn the Arwing into a walking tank at the press of a button. And I didn't recognize some of those stages or bosses from those earlier games either. I'm perfectly fine with a remake/reboot of the story; in fact, I'd prefer it. Get as far away from Star Fox Adventures, Assault and Command as possible. But as far as gameplay goes, this is the Star Fox game I have been waiting on for almost two decades now.

I think the same

For me the game is looking amazing gameplay wise, and I like the graphic style, it just need a bit more of polish.

It didn't look much better than the N64 version, let alone the GameCube. Nintendo and it's dated cartoony graphics are so last century.

burninmylight said:
Platina said:
I really feel that they should delay this game to polish it a lot more.

It's not coming out next week, you know. Given that it doesn't yet have a release date, I'd imagine there's some time to add an extra coat of paint.

Of course, but they didn't even have a working version last E3 so it definitely feels that they are pushing this game really fast..

I would prefer for them to have a better game than trying to meet the 2015 deadline

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