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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Splatoon Shatters Expectations (YES, Finally!)

RolStoppable said:
think-man said:

I actually brought the bundle just an hour ago lol add me but i already trafed in Splatoon lol

You wasted your chance to get him banned for a week. You should have accepted the bet before telling him that you bought the bundle.

He already lost a bet to me before where he had to have a ps4 avatar for  3 months

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RolStoppable said:
think-man said:

He already lost a bet to me before where he had to have a ps4 avatar for  3 months

Ah yes, I remember that. So you spared him out of pity this time. You are truly an honorable gentleman.

Thank you, thank you

Hey somebody stole my crow :(, Hey don't forget few months ago before Nintendo decided to push splatoon real hard even you OP weren't so sure it would be a success

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

chapset said:
Hey somebody stole my crow :(, Hey don't forget few months ago before Nintendo decided to push splatoon real hard even you OP weren't so sure it would be a success

I knew, remember 1mil by end of year? :)

That said, yes i kno. Thats why i think 2.5mil-3mil is doable. I still think Splatoon would of been an 80k-100k opening without the marketing push, especially with the demo being successful!

Noice, I was only 5k off, but I'm sure digital sales covered that!

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Nirvana_Nut85 said:

UK numbers place Splatoon at around 20 or so first week, and this is by far the biggest European market.

Where are you getting your numbers from??? Splatoon debuted at #2 on the UK charts.

Number 2 in the charts, likely 20k in sales. Sorry, I forgot the "K".

Still, I think Europe FW numbers will be considerably lower than Japan's and I'm still not sold on US due to the strange pricing difference. How does that work with digital anyway?

Not yet seeing that big global sales. It's been just a few stores over here but while a Witcher 3 was sold out after yet another week there where full shelves of Splatoon right after release and after week 1.
People might be overexpecting western Splatoon sales. Will be interesting though.

Sources said that in Japan Splatoon is still very hard to find, second week will probably be very good too, maybe around 50k, and I think digital sale is good too.

tbone51 said:
DialgaMarine said:
145K first week is a solid number for Japan, but this is the type of game that will have mass appeal over there. If I were you, I would hold my breath until we see how well it does elsewhere. We haven't heard any news about it's sales outside of Japan, so that might be a bad sign. No crow for me tonight.

Well tbf, again i know its early for Lifetime and WW but just look at the post above this. :)

 I guess, but I've personally never really cared about Japan sales, so my dish is still crow free lol

On that note, another thing I forgot to mention has been the marketing campaigns. Let's be honest, the marketing for the game in Japan is far better than it has been in the US. That alone might have thrown a lot of western gamers off from buying it, outside of everywhere else. We'll see what happens. 

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon

I think there's going to be a lot of people on both sides "eating crow" by the end of all this. There were people predicting a million within a month. Those people will be feasting on the black bird too.