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I won't watch it until the finals...

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I was fairly news to Gears TBH... I was mostly on Halo and Fallout rather than COD and Gears. Then again, I don't like grittiness much...

The Unravel trial is insane.
You can easily beat that game in 10 hours.

I think Gears should release in September personally to avoid all the big games of November.

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Totally forgot that Sony sold SOE. DC Universe Online is a good start but give us Planetside 2!!!

NobleTeam360 said:
I think Gears should release in September personally to avoid all the big games of November.

27th September sounds perfect!

Would also be enough time for COD accicts to buy the game along with potentially another stacked November, Probably the reason they did it to avoid loss of sales.

What is Stranger of Sword City?

TheSting said:
What is Stranger of Sword City?

Here's a trailer.

Looks crazy. Won't judge before I play it. Learned my lesson on that.