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EspadaGrim said:

Forza Motorsports needs to be delayed a year or 2 the Franchise has been very stagnant this gen, the next iterations of FM and FH will be next gen they have to be working on Engine updates/upgrades by now. MS needs to bring back PGR imo.

One in the beginning, one in the end. I'd be fine with one a gen.">"><img src="

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They will try some of the changes/upgrades on FM7 tp test them out before applying them on FM8, which is a smart idea to test the experts and hardcore fans response without the pressure of a new release and a tough reviewing agenda.

They don't want to have a fresh game with new engine for a new generation. Remember guys, Turn10 does half the work for Playground, something they don't get acknowledge for. So, even Horizon will benefit from this delay. Imagine Horizon 5 on a new engine, new hardware and an extra year to work with!

I still hate how Horizon games throwa bunch of shit to do at you. I feel overwhelmed opening the map and seeing like 30 different things i could do. This makes me want to leave the game for a while and come back instead of continue to play.

I never treated Horizon games like a games that I have to finish. I play them 1-2 hours between games to have fun and relax. It last a whole year with me. They are the best at that.

Microsoft presents it's game streaming service. Project xCloud.

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DeusXmachina said:

Microsoft presents it's game streaming service. Project xCloud.

There is also a full article to read about it here as well - Project xCloud

They announced it earlier than I thought they would maybe Google dropping their plans made MS push theirs up a few months. Public trials start in 2019.

I'm having so much fun with FH4. I'm playing it on Gamepass right now but my subscription runs out this month. I'm considering either buying the game fully or renewing gamepass. Not sure yet.

I never treated Horizon games like a games that I have to finish. I play them 1-2 hours between games to have fun and relax. It last a whole year with me. They are the best at that.

Exactly. I started Hollow Knight but i play 1-2 hours of Forza every day for a little variety.

FH4 sales are up 1% compared to FH3 sales in UK even with GamePass and an always increasing digital share.

The game takes place in UK which should have pushed some extra sales, though

shikamaru317 said:

Phil is taking another trip to Japan. The last time he did this a bunch of Japanese games were announced for XB1 shortly afterward. Here's hoping Phil can convince some more JP devs to release on Xbox while there, with the announces at XO18. Here's hoping he can get Yakuza, KH Collection, Senran Kagura, and Persona while there.

He needs to visit Cygames they are starting to enter Console development and are doing high budget projects, he should try to secure Grand Blue Fantasy and Project Awakening.