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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo @ E3 '15: Our Muppet Bodies Weren't Ready


Is Your Body Ready?

Yes. 40 24.39%
No. 14 8.54%
Not my problem. 12 7.32%
I feel like a Purple Pikmin. 16 9.76%
Hey Bill, you're Fired. 23 14.02%
What's wrong with you? 8 4.88%
I'm about kickin' ass. 6 3.66%
I'm about takin' names. 3 1.83%
My body is Reggie. 42 25.61%
guiduc said:
What the fuck are Retro and Next Level Game doing??? I think they need more software development studios opening in the Western market.

Next Level is making Federation Force. Retro is MIA though.

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noname2200 said:
guiduc said:
What the fuck are Retro and Next Level Game doing??? I think they need more software development studios opening in the Western market.

Next Level is making Federation Force. Retro is MIA though.

Next Level is also working on a WiiU game though! Federation Force is for the 3DS.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

guiduc said:
What the fuck are Retro and Next Level Game doing??? I think they need more software development studios opening in the Western market.

Retro might be working on an NX launch title.

Current gaming platforms - Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, New 3DS, PC

AZWification said:
noname2200 said:
guiduc said:
What the fuck are Retro and Next Level Game doing??? I think they need more software development studios opening in the Western market.

Next Level is making Federation Force. Retro is MIA though.

Next Level is also working on a WiiU game though! Federation Force is for the 3DS.

I think that's purely speculation. They only have 70 employees: I have a hard time seeing them working on a handheld and console game at the same time. Although admittedly Federation Force probably needs less resources than a typical 3DS title.

noname2200 said:

I think that's purely speculation. They only have 70 employees: I have a hard time seeing them working on a handheld and console game at the same time. Although admittedly Federation Force probably needs less resources than a typical 3DS title.

To be honest, most of the new games they showed at E3 looked like they didn't many resources!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Around the Network
AZWification said:
noname2200 said:

I think that's purely speculation. They only have 70 employees: I have a hard time seeing them working on a handheld and console game at the same time. Although admittedly Federation Force probably needs less resources than a typical 3DS title.

To be honest, most of the new games they showed at E3 looked like they didn't many resources!

I know you're joking, but you're right: they had said a year or so ago that they were going to try increasing the volume of their releases by reusing older resources/cutting down development time in several ways. I'm not surprised that they showed a lot of titles at the same time that they're clearly reusing engines and assets more than any time I can remember.

Personally, I think it's a great idea, and am looking forward to trying some of the new games. But judging from this site's reactions, the internet does not agree with me.

PenguinZ said:
guiduc said:
What the fuck are Retro and Next Level Game doing??? I think they need more software development studios opening in the Western market.

Retro might be working on an NX launch title.

Only 1 game for Wii U :(

Nintendo trying to do damage control:

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

That's a really good gif! :)