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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Witcher 3 Leaked on Torrent Sites; CD Projekt RED is Asking Pirates for Their Support

LurkerJ said:
sc94597 said:
LurkerJ said:

Conveniently ignoring the underlined part of my post. And please don't tell me you don't know any PC gamer who bought PS4 just to play bloodborne. 

The person who owns a PC and PS4 is not the person who pirates games. They can afford to buy their games. 

Given the option to play the game for free, a lot will do just that. You have a lot of faith in people doing the right thing lol

They are a small minority of the total number of pirates. And piracy isn't as simple as you make it seem. There is work involved. Often you have to wait for cracks that might not work. You can download multiple copies of the same game, because one doesn't work right. You don't have consistent online multiplayer, if at all. Every time there is a patch you have to wait for a new crack, and most of the big sites put that at the lower-end of their priorities because of few downloads relative to new releases. If somebody could afford the game, they'll likely buy it, because it is easier to do so, and more often than not you end up with a version that works in all ways versus a version that doesn't. 

Having said that though, a large number of pirates are people who live in third world countries where consoles cost $1000-$1500 and to build a PC costs $600-800. All of these being close to a few months pay in their countries. 

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LurkerJ said:
sc94597 said:

I guess "LaLa land" is the real world. The people who pirate games aren't going to go out and buy a console, which in many of their countries exceeds the price of a gaming PC two-fold or three-fold. And if they already have a console then they'll pirate it on said console. Furthermore, since they have access to a plethora of other PC titles to play until release of this specific game (which they obtain for free) they aren't bothered by not playing a game so soon. Meanwhile the people who intended to buy the game on PC will feel screwed and will either pirate it when it releases, might not buy it when it releases, or wait for a discount since their hype was dilluted. As for DRM's, it has been shown that DRMs lead to piracy as the pirated version is the superior version. 

Conveniently ignoring my perfect example. Diablo 3 can't be pirated. The single player campaing requires an internet connection. There is LATENCY in my single player game.  Hearthstone can't be played locally etc

Nobody would want to pirate DIablo 3 anyway. It is a multiplayer-focused game. 

Living in a developing country this is normal here. PS4 / Xbox One is for a selected elites who gets original games. Rest of the guys cant even afford original games.



Mod edit - removed link to pirate site

LurkerJ said:
Mummelmann said:

Ah, I don't think you understand how the PC gaming community works. This is really, really not how it works.

Conveniently ignoring the underlined part of my post. And please don't tell me you don't know any PC gamer who bought PS4 just to play bloodborne. 

I'm not ignoring anything; we're talking about PC gamers here, there aren't many of those who even own a PS4 at this early point in its life. You seem to have the same "PC gamers don't deserve what console gamers are getting" mentality that is so common on the internet and there is no logic behind stating that a delayed PC version will somehow help the sales of a title, especially titles that appeal to more core gamers who are very likely vying for their platform of choice, I know I would never, ever consider buying The Witcher 3 for consoles, just like I never considered buying Skyrim, Oblivion and almost any other multiplatform game released in the past decade on consoles, even when the launch was postponed or delayed for the PC; I simply do not want the console version of most games, that is what being a PC gamer is all about.

Does this mean that Wii U owners are all buying One's and PS4's to play games that aren't being released simultaneously on their platform?

Ad for the last part; I know three people who bought Bloodborne, two of them don't even own gaming PC's and the third one bought his PS4 day one is not even considering buying The Witcher 3 for PS4.

I feel like repeating myself; you clearly don't understand the mentality of the PC gaming community, your posts are proof enough of this. If PC gamers are short-sticked out of a title or even several titles; they won't just get it on consoles instead, let alone buy a console only to play these few titles unless they were planning a purchase all along.

For someone who hates it when Nintendo gamers are being generalized; you sure do a lot of generalizing about PC gamers...

The game selling for $43(with DLC)/$37(without DLC) in India Xbox Live anyway.

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zero129 said:
sc94597 said:
LurkerJ said:

In LaLa land...

I guess "LaLa land" is the real world. The people who pirate games aren't going to go out and buy a console, which in many of their countries exceeds the price of a gaming PC two-fold or three-fold. And if they already have a console then they'll pirate it on said console. Furthermore, since they have access to a plethora of other PC titles to play until release of this specific game (which they obtain for free) they aren't bothered by not playing a game so soon. Meanwhile the people who intended to buy the game on PC will feel screwed and will either pirate it when it releases, might not buy it when it releases, or wait for a discount since their hype was dilluted. As for DRM's, it has been shown that DRMs lead to piracy as the pirated version is the superior version. 

I think at this stage that LurkerJ just likes coming into PC threads and trolling any chance he can get imo..

PC gamer only this generation. I own a PS3 and all Nintendo consoles except for the Wii U. GOG is my life :)

I believe that developers fear PC piracy and I've highlighted examples in which that fear clearly manifests. You can choose to disagree and call me a troll :)

Mummelmann said:
LurkerJ said:
Mummelmann said:

Ah, I don't think you understand how the PC gaming community works. This is really, really not how it works.

Conveniently ignoring the underlined part of my post. And please don't tell me you don't know any PC gamer who bought PS4 just to play bloodborne. 

I'm not ignoring anything; we're talking about PC gamers here, there aren't many of those who even own a PS4 at this early point in its life. You seem to have the same "PC gamers don't deserve what console gamers are getting" mentality that is so common on the internet and there is no logic behind stating that a delayed PC version will somehow help the sales of a title, especially titles that appeal to more core gamers who are very likely vying for their platform of choice, I know I would never, ever consider buying The Witcher 3 for consoles, just like I never considered buying Skyrim, Oblivion and almost any other multiplatform game released in the past decade on consoles, even when the launch was postponed or delayed for the PC; I simply do not want the console version of most games, that is what being a PC gamer is all about.

Does this mean that Wii U owners are all buying One's and PS4's to play games that aren't being released simultaneously on their platform?

Ad for the last part; I know three people who bought Bloodborne, two of them don't even own gaming PC's and the third one bought his PS4 day one is not even considering buying The Witcher 3 for PS4.

I feel like repeating myself; you clearly don't understand the mentality of the PC gaming community, your posts are proof enough of this. If PC gamers are short-sticked out of a title or even several titles; they won't just get it on consoles instead, let alone buy a console only to play these few titles unless they were planning a purchase all along.

For someone who hates it when Nintendo gamers are being generalized; you sure do a lot of generalizing about PC gamers...

You are the one who is doing generalizations here. You want to believe there is a MENTALITY for PC GAMERS that they live by. 

My main point is that CONSOLES GAMERS given the choice to play the game for free on a PC , will be tempted to do so. See what you are missing because you are too focused on belonging to the commuinty you are trying to convince me that you understand so well? Missed the main point I was trying to make.

2 of my friends who chose to go PC only this generation , just like I did, couldn't resist bloodborne and bought a PS4 just to play it. You don't seem to understand how big the souls series is on PC right now and yet you are giving me lectures on the PC gamers MENTALITY. 

LurkerJ said:

You are the one who is doing generalizations here. You want to believe there is a MENTALITY for PC GAMERS that they live by. 

My main point is that CONSOLES GAMERS given the choice to play the game for free on a PC , will be tempted to do so. See what you are missing because you are too focused on belonging to the commuinty you are trying to convince me that you understand so well? Missed the main point I was trying to make.

2 of my friends who chose to go PC only this generation , just like I did, couldn't resist bloodborne and bought a PS4 just to play it. You don't seem to understand how big the souls series is on PC right now and yet you are giving me lectures on the PC gamers MENTALITY. 

So your main point is that PC gamers should expect and desvere to wait longer for releases due to the piracy of console gamers on PC? That seems like a solid argument. That would make the console gamers the actual a-holes in this issue, which is not what the general tone in this thread is at all and that doesn't really help you in the slightest since it becomes a contradiction of your other(?) main point. If your friends were swayed by a single title to buy a 400$ console; they clearly had some interest in it to begin with or they have too much money on their hands.

I'm giving you lectures because you clearly need them and if this very thead is anything to go; most other PC gamers in here seem to agree with me on this.

zero129 said:
LurkerJ said:
zero129 said:
sc94597 said:
LurkerJ said:

In LaLa land...

I guess "LaLa land" is the real world. The people who pirate games aren't going to go out and buy a console, which in many of their countries exceeds the price of a gaming PC two-fold or three-fold. And if they already have a console then they'll pirate it on said console. Furthermore, since they have access to a plethora of other PC titles to play until release of this specific game (which they obtain for free) they aren't bothered by not playing a game so soon. Meanwhile the people who intended to buy the game on PC will feel screwed and will either pirate it when it releases, might not buy it when it releases, or wait for a discount since their hype was dilluted. As for DRM's, it has been shown that DRMs lead to piracy as the pirated version is the superior version. 

I think at this stage that LurkerJ just likes coming into PC threads and trolling any chance he can get imo..

PC gamer only this generation. I own a PS3 and all Nintendo consoles except for the Wii U. GOG is my life :)

I believe that developers fear PC piracy and I've highlighted examples in which that fear clearly manifests. You can choose to disagree and call me a troll :)

Except you have shown no such proof or examples to such claims other then your own opinion that delaying the PC version would somehow = more console sales. How you come to that conclusion i dont know, but if you want to ignore all the other points that was put to you by myself and other users while continuing to voice such an opinion well then maybe its best if users just ignore you back as it seems by continueing to do such things your only trying to get a reaction out of people and what would you call that??.

Whether the of fear of piracy is justified isn't the point. Does the fear exist? Publishers don't care what you and I think. If they believe delaying the PC version will maximize their porfits, they will. And I did mention that fear doesn't only affect the releasing schedule but also the DESIGN of the games.

SimCity anyone? it was a blunder.

I suffer from LATENCY AND LAG when I play diablo 3 becaue it requires a connection? Meanwhile Console version of the game DO NOT need to played online! 

Again, I said when CONSOLE gamers are given the option to play an x game for free, they will be highly tempted to do so.  

Why is the master race so insecure? 


yeah these guys are awesome. while i am getting the game a month and a half after release i am getting it new to support the devs. just like i did with Farcry4