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LurkerJ said:
sc94597 said:
LurkerJ said:

Conveniently ignoring the underlined part of my post. And please don't tell me you don't know any PC gamer who bought PS4 just to play bloodborne. 

The person who owns a PC and PS4 is not the person who pirates games. They can afford to buy their games. 

Given the option to play the game for free, a lot will do just that. You have a lot of faith in people doing the right thing lol

They are a small minority of the total number of pirates. And piracy isn't as simple as you make it seem. There is work involved. Often you have to wait for cracks that might not work. You can download multiple copies of the same game, because one doesn't work right. You don't have consistent online multiplayer, if at all. Every time there is a patch you have to wait for a new crack, and most of the big sites put that at the lower-end of their priorities because of few downloads relative to new releases. If somebody could afford the game, they'll likely buy it, because it is easier to do so, and more often than not you end up with a version that works in all ways versus a version that doesn't. 

Having said that though, a large number of pirates are people who live in third world countries where consoles cost $1000-$1500 and to build a PC costs $600-800. All of these being close to a few months pay in their countries.