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LurkerJ said:
Mummelmann said:

Ah, I don't think you understand how the PC gaming community works. This is really, really not how it works.

Conveniently ignoring the underlined part of my post. And please don't tell me you don't know any PC gamer who bought PS4 just to play bloodborne. 

I'm not ignoring anything; we're talking about PC gamers here, there aren't many of those who even own a PS4 at this early point in its life. You seem to have the same "PC gamers don't deserve what console gamers are getting" mentality that is so common on the internet and there is no logic behind stating that a delayed PC version will somehow help the sales of a title, especially titles that appeal to more core gamers who are very likely vying for their platform of choice, I know I would never, ever consider buying The Witcher 3 for consoles, just like I never considered buying Skyrim, Oblivion and almost any other multiplatform game released in the past decade on consoles, even when the launch was postponed or delayed for the PC; I simply do not want the console version of most games, that is what being a PC gamer is all about.

Does this mean that Wii U owners are all buying One's and PS4's to play games that aren't being released simultaneously on their platform?

Ad for the last part; I know three people who bought Bloodborne, two of them don't even own gaming PC's and the third one bought his PS4 day one is not even considering buying The Witcher 3 for PS4.

I feel like repeating myself; you clearly don't understand the mentality of the PC gaming community, your posts are proof enough of this. If PC gamers are short-sticked out of a title or even several titles; they won't just get it on consoles instead, let alone buy a console only to play these few titles unless they were planning a purchase all along.

For someone who hates it when Nintendo gamers are being generalized; you sure do a lot of generalizing about PC gamers...