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zero129 said:
LurkerJ said:
zero129 said:
sc94597 said:
LurkerJ said:

In LaLa land...

I guess "LaLa land" is the real world. The people who pirate games aren't going to go out and buy a console, which in many of their countries exceeds the price of a gaming PC two-fold or three-fold. And if they already have a console then they'll pirate it on said console. Furthermore, since they have access to a plethora of other PC titles to play until release of this specific game (which they obtain for free) they aren't bothered by not playing a game so soon. Meanwhile the people who intended to buy the game on PC will feel screwed and will either pirate it when it releases, might not buy it when it releases, or wait for a discount since their hype was dilluted. As for DRM's, it has been shown that DRMs lead to piracy as the pirated version is the superior version. 

I think at this stage that LurkerJ just likes coming into PC threads and trolling any chance he can get imo..

PC gamer only this generation. I own a PS3 and all Nintendo consoles except for the Wii U. GOG is my life :)

I believe that developers fear PC piracy and I've highlighted examples in which that fear clearly manifests. You can choose to disagree and call me a troll :)

Except you have shown no such proof or examples to such claims other then your own opinion that delaying the PC version would somehow = more console sales. How you come to that conclusion i dont know, but if you want to ignore all the other points that was put to you by myself and other users while continuing to voice such an opinion well then maybe its best if users just ignore you back as it seems by continueing to do such things your only trying to get a reaction out of people and what would you call that??.

Whether the of fear of piracy is justified isn't the point. Does the fear exist? Publishers don't care what you and I think. If they believe delaying the PC version will maximize their porfits, they will. And I did mention that fear doesn't only affect the releasing schedule but also the DESIGN of the games.

SimCity anyone? it was a blunder.

I suffer from LATENCY AND LAG when I play diablo 3 becaue it requires a connection? Meanwhile Console version of the game DO NOT need to played online! 

Again, I said when CONSOLE gamers are given the option to play an x game for free, they will be highly tempted to do so.  

Why is the master race so insecure?