You're making a few big assumptions. "humans are more entitled now than ever before"
How do you know that's the result of secularism? I'd wager the level of entitlement doesn't drop off that much when you include the still religious folk. While this just a theory, and don't have any evidence, it's a possibility that higher entitlement is the result of higher economic success, and nothing to do with religion.
Your evaluation of art covers only the material that seems to support what you're saying. There is plenty of art that surpasses anything that has come before.
The "toxic" stuff may be more popular, but is more influential? Uncertain, but possible not given the idea that the as a work is made more massive in its appeal, the amount people care about it wains. The fewer people understand a joke, the more those few will laugh, and the reverse can be observed as well.
Loud status translating to authority? That's certainly a problem, but that's always been the case. It isn't something at all new.
At the end of the day, while we may need more emphasis on morals other than attainment (financial or material) I think the inflation of the ego is a problem, but the importance of individuality is a net positive.
It's easy to look at the 'good old days' and smile, but just remember, there was a lot of crap as well. It's the people in charge who write the history books, and there have always been selfish, shallow and greedy people in the hundreds of millions.
"...freedom as we know it is severely overrated" ? That's a worrying thing to hear someone say. No what we need is more emphasis on the responsibility that comes with freedom.