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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U down YOY in Europe according to VGChartz... Wii U undertracked?


Wii U undertracked?

Yes. 20 58.82%
no. 13 38.24%

As a guy living in the EU, I can say that Nintendo only advertises the 3DS and never never the Wii U. They had a Smash.Bros for 3DS commercial and they didn't even say that there was a Wii U version.

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Ryng_Tolu said:
Pavolink said:
That's normal if you keep delaying games.

This sales are before the Zelda delaying.

I ask again: do you think Wii U is undertracked?

It could be, by a low margin. Nothing important.

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The WiiU is undertracked, but I'm sure that is not for much. The WiiU needs Splatoon and good bundles.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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Pavolink said:
Ryng_Tolu said:
Pavolink said:
That's normal if you keep delaying games.

This sales are before the Zelda delaying.

I ask again: do you think Wii U is undertracked?

It could be, by a low margin. Nothing important.

Still undertracked and imo, is not a low margin.

It's down in Japan to so it's not strange, if anything is strange it's actually that Wii-U is up in the U.S. It's probably correct but i don't understand why.

Remember Wii-U got DK tropical freeze in february last year. Wii-U hasn't got anything major this year so far.

So no Wii-U is not undertracked in Europe per se.

Around the Network
Ryng_Tolu said:
Dr.Vita said:
Vita is also almost 50% down at VGChartz... Don't know why ioi is not updating it...

Dr, this thread is about Wii U.

You already make a thread about the Vita undertracked.

Just another example to show that ioi's numbers are wrong.

Not the most reflective European market for Nintendo. But it doesn't surprise me in the slightest when you look at the Wii U sections in Europe. Doesn't help that the last release was last year though.

People were getting hyped for Mario Kart last year. I don't know when anything will hit Wii in Europe ATM. Kirby was delayed with no release date announced and there is no promotion for Splatoon at all. My local game stores have a single rack with about 10 titles and that's your lot. Why wouldn't sales be down?

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

It may be, but not in a relevant way.

Because this thread has no real analysis or hard numbers to compare VGC figures to, it comes across as you just arguing against the numbers because you do not like what you see. Even then, the differences between each set of numbers is in the hundreds. It is hardly worth complaining about as they are statistically tied YoY when you take into account the +/- 10% RoA that was thrown around in the past.

If you want to try and correct VGC numbers, always have official data on hand to do so.

Im locking this.