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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Xenoblade Chronicles X will have paid DLC quests

alternine said:
Clyde32 said:

...Where did they say it would be day 1?

Usually where DLC is announced this early before release it will most likely be implemented Day 1 or relatively close to the release date. There's also a direct coming about X so look for some of it to be explained there.

I didn't see the announcement for this. 

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Skullwaker said:

It was confirmed to be 300 hours by Monolith Soft. Not sure where people are getting that 200h figure from.

Aparently its from Witcher 3, cause CD Prokekt said it was probably longer than 200 hours and I believe some ppl just figured "hey Xeno X is about as bi a world as the Witcher 3 so it must be around 200 hours as well".

And where is the problem?

Even more stuff to do in XCX o.O

#1 Amb-ass-ador

Dr.Vita said:
And where is the problem?

Nintendo is releasing DLC, therefore end of the world

Around the Network
sundin13 said:
Dr.Vita said:
And where is the problem?

Nintendo is releasing DLC, therefore end of the world

They released already DLC's on Mario Kart 8.

Dr.Vita said:
sundin13 said:

Nintendo is releasing DLC, therefore end of the world

They released already DLC's on Mario Kart 8.

I know...but for some reason people decide to assume the worse whenever the mention of DLC comes up in relation to Nintendo.

I doubt they would be sidequests but rather other main quests that are actually fun.

Many people changed their stance on DLC this gen.

sundin13 said:
Dr.Vita said:

They released already DLC's on Mario Kart 8.

I know...but for some reason people decide to assume the worse whenever the mention of DLC comes up in relation to Nintendo.


DLC? Did you say...... DLC?


#1 Amb-ass-ador