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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do you think Splatoon will cross the million sold mark?

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Yes 233 67.73%
No 111 32.27%

Pikmin did it on a similarly bad selling console, so Splatoon should be able to do similarly as it's probably more apealing with it's genre being popular rather than niche and having multiplayer.

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Hope it does the Wii U should have at least one new IP that sells over a million.

I'm about 80% confident it will. Hyrule Warriors did and that was far less original.
As long as there's a bit of marketing and it reviews fairly well (looks like an 80+ on metacritic), it should manage the million.
If it does, I hope that'll mean it'll become a new long term series. I'd love to see them expand on it.

I just pre-ordered it. As a Prime member, I'll have it on launch day for nothing extra.

I can't wait.

It mostly depends on the marketing, if they market it well it's highly possible that it'll be a million seller, bundles can help too

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Yes, LT > 1 million...

Japan 120k
Europe 300k (100k france alone!)
America 600k


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

Yeah I think it definitely can, tbh I think it could be one of the Wii U's best sellers, mainly because it looks a hell of a lot of fun, it's a shooter, has multiplayer and it also seems to meld platformer mechanics with that.

A million is going to be easy, best seller if Nintendo actually markets it and bundles it.

Of course, I really don't see it sell less than 1 million! Maybe if it does well enough Nintendo will make a sequel!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I think it can!

It has the potential and i'm pretty sure that it will.

Playing: F1 2016 (PC), Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)
Watching: Hajime no Ippo, Attack on Titan (4th time)
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