Excellent job, Mr. Vita.
This week's big winner seems to be Sword Art Online. Pretty much flat on Vita (143k VGC vs. 139k M.Create) + 55k from PS3 version. Good for them.
Theatrhythm also doing pretty well. Flat compared to Curtain Call, and I'd imagine they'll do tonnes of DLC again using this as a base.
Senran Kagura... much better than expected. Down compared to Shinovi Versus (91k VGC vs. 75k M.Create) but given the massive drop to Senran Kagura 2 (46k), this seems like a recovery. In line with what was tweeted the other day too.
Bombas this week... pretty poor from One Piece (time to drop this series for a while I think); terrible from Disgaea (I hope this isn't the end for NIS) and Kagero doesn't even chart.
Hardware wise, PS4 is good - was expecting a little more from Vita; 3DS alright considering its age; WiiU is dire. Oh well.