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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is the XBO version of FFXV a mistake?

Angelus said:
Ruler said:

I think xbox fans should seriously worry that jrpgs go completly away from their consoles. You should buy type-0 and support it, its a good deal for the money

$60 for a PSP game is a good deal huh? Square Enix sure has some loyal fans lol

20 bucks costs the ground zero demo, the ff15 demo is longer and has more content. so the remaining 40$ is a psp remaster in 1080p and improved graphics and its a jrpg. Even many Indie games these days cost 15$ and they are 2D, so i dont see how a graphicly improved jrpg doesnt offer enough content for 40 bucks?

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onionberry said:
whatever said:
onionberry said:
More money is not a mistake, never.

If it sells poorly, they won't make money on it.

what's poorly? Both consoles have the same architecture, so if the ps4 version sells 5m, the xbox1 version 1m and the pc version 700,000 (hopefully because this game deserves to be played at max settings)  they're going to be fine.

If they need to spend significant time getting the XB1 version playable, which it seems they will according to the DF analysis, then the cost of development would cause the XB1 to lose money if it sells poorly.  It's no way guaranteed it will sell 1m on the XB1.

celador said:
So these games sell far less on Xbox because of that fanbase having better taste? Good grief

They sell less on Xbox because that console's fanbase has less interest in Japanese games. There is a reason MS focuses so heavily on only a few genres. They would never, for instance, fund their own JRPG like Sony would. Trying to switch the narrative to Xbox fans having more discerning tastes is laughable. Plenty of high rated Japanese games have come and gone with a much better attach rate on PS, and that will always be the case.

If anything Microsoft was the one investing in jrpgs last gen, not sony. 

Lost Odyssey, Blue dragon.. 

What did sony invest in? 

shikamaru317 said:
celador said:
So these games sell far less on Xbox because of that fanbase having better taste? Good grief

They sell less on Xbox because that console's fanbase has less interest in Japanese games. There is a reason MS focuses so heavily on only a few genres. They would never, for instance, fund their own JRPG like Sony would. Trying to switch the narrative to Xbox fans having more discerning tastes is laughable. Plenty of high rated Japanese games have come and gone with a much better attach rate on PS, and that will always be the case.

That's part of the reason, but it's not the only reason. There were plenty of Japanese games that sold well on 360 last gen, and I full expect the biggest Japanese series to do just fine on Xbox One this gen. Obviously not as well as the PS4 versions of those same games, but the XB1 versions will turn a profit.

I'm not saying they will sell badly. They will sell fine, but the attach rate will be less. Of course, having no meaningful install base in Japan is a big factor, but even just limited to Western countries there will be a noticeable difference.

TiagoCosta said:
celador said:
So these games sell far less on Xbox because of that fanbase having better taste? Good grief

They sell less on Xbox because that console's fanbase has less interest in Japanese games. There is a reason MS focuses so heavily on only a few genres. They would never, for instance, fund their own JRPG like Sony would. Trying to switch the narrative to Xbox fans having more discerning tastes is laughable. Plenty of high rated Japanese games have come and gone with a much better attach rate on PS, and that will always be the case.

If anything Microsoft was the one investing in jrpgs last gen, not sony. 

Lost Odyssey, Blue dragon.. 

What did sony invest in? 

They funded a couple a decade ago, when they were actually trying. There will be minimal Japanese exclusives going forward, because the market on Xbox just isn't there.

Sony funded games like Demon Souls, Ni No Kuni, White Knight Chronicles

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celador said:
TiagoCosta said:

If anything Microsoft was the one investing in jrpgs last gen, not sony. 

Lost Odyssey, Blue dragon.. 

What did sony invest in? 

They funded a couple a decade ago, when they were actually trying. There will be minimal Japanese exclusives going forward, because the market on Xbox just isn't there.

Sony funded games like Demon Souls, Ni No Kuni, White Knight Chronicles

Then I can WKC was also a decade ago, same with demon souls.

NNK is a port.

Microsoft is founding Scalebound for example. 

Angelus said:
Ruler said:

I think xbox fans should seriously worry that jrpgs go completly away from their consoles. You should buy type-0 and support it, its a good deal for the money

$60 for a PSP game is a good deal huh? Square Enix sure has some loyal fans lol

They knew people were willing to pay for the XV demo so that immediately bumped it up from $40 to $60. I have friends who bought PS3's just for that game. When you see things like this its hard to say paying $60.  One game and a highly anticipated demo which is arguably more valuable than the game itself. Only a handful of Japanese demos can sell like this:
Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo and Final Fantasy XV when you think about it in the bundle would probably only have been a $20 cost ontop of the $40 for the remaster.

morenoingrato said:
Yeah a huge mistake...

... For Sony fans.

Lawl that comment is epic


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TiagoCosta said:
celador said:
So these games sell far less on Xbox because of that fanbase having better taste? Good grief

They sell less on Xbox because that console's fanbase has less interest in Japanese games. There is a reason MS focuses so heavily on only a few genres. They would never, for instance, fund their own JRPG like Sony would. Trying to switch the narrative to Xbox fans having more discerning tastes is laughable. Plenty of high rated Japanese games have come and gone with a much better attach rate on PS, and that will always be the case.

If anything Microsoft was the one investing in jrpgs last gen, not sony. 

Lost Odyssey, Blue dragon.. 

What did sony invest in? 

Sony doesn't have to pay for Japanese exclusives but sometimes they publish them (like they do for co-development initiatives from level 5 or From Software). They are marketed to Japan and Playstation is the platform of choice for a lot of those RPG's. Microsoft is an outside so they have to pay and even then games like Lost Odyssey didnt even hit a million even though they were amazing. If Sakaguchi and Sony ever were to bury the hatchet, Square Enix would rule the day they lost the father of Final Fantasy.

shikamaru317 said:
TheGoldenBoy said:

That won't be that hard to do, no offense. Also that still doesn't answer the question as to why something like Sunset Overdrive sold less than it deserved. Did Xbox gamers see low value in that as well? I'm just trying to say that maybe it isn't value that is stopping XBO owners from buying those games, but because there are less fans of those games on the system.

Imo Sunset Overdrive didn't sell that great for 3 reasons:

1. A poor release window. SO released right in the middle of a bunch of AAA games, and just a week before CoD. Big mistake imo. They should have delayed it and released it in Q1 2015. At least then they would have had a AAA exclusive for the first half of 2015, which they don't now.

2. Low stock for the white Sunset Overdrive bundle. That white console would have sold so many more copies of the game if they would have had enough stock. Once again, if they had delayed it to Q1 2015, they would have had a few extra months to produce more white consoles.

3. A lack of advertising from MS. Microsoft stretched their advertising budget too thin this past Holiday season, not only did they have to split the budget between 3 of their own exclusives (FH2, SO, and Halo:MCC), but they also had marketing deals for AC Unity, The Crew, CoD:AW, and Dragon Age: Inquisition. They took on too many marketing deals, and some of the games suffered because of it. Most of the ad budget went to CoD: AW and AC Unity, while SO and Dragon Age: Inquisition had the lowest amount of ads, at least based on the ads that I personally saw.

4. Games like that tend to sell better on a Sony platform as well. Sony gamers are used to more dynamic third party action games than Microsoft. That game is the culimation of everything they've ever achieved working with Sony. (As an Xbox owner it was refeshing not to miss out on what should be considered a cult classic.)