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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is the XBO version of FFXV a mistake?

ReimTime said:
darkenergy said:
morenoingrato said:
Yeah a huge mistake...

... For Sony fans.


I want to ask: why are some people liking this comment alot? Is there something about it that makes this situation ironic? Maybe I would like it if I understand. Thanks.

I think he is referring to some Sony fan's calls for exclusivity who would consider it a mistake for SE to go multiplat with FFXV

I just realise the reason but thanks for the explanation

Proud to be a Californian.

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darkenergy said:
ReimTime said:
darkenergy said:
morenoingrato said:
Yeah a huge mistake...

... For Sony fans.


I want to ask: why are some people liking this comment alot? Is there something about it that makes this situation ironic? Maybe I would like it if I understand. Thanks.

Simple reason is: "Sony fans are bad, m'kay?" (no one else. just Sony fans. Ask all the objective people agreeing with that post).

The people agreeing with that post are just as bad as any "Sony fan." Instead of jumping on that post circle jerking each other why don't you give a good reason why you think FF on XB1 is not waste of resources for SE? The simple fact is FF will always sell better on PS platforms. FFT0 looks to sell very poorly on XB1. And don't come with these pathetic excuses about XB1gamers know value. Are you kidding me with that argument? The truth is there aren't that many FF fans on XB1. The main fanbase is on PS. Just like with MGS. The time and money they're spending getting the XB1 version up to par with PS4 could be spent focusing on the PS4 where most of your money is going to come from anyway. 360 had a huge lead in the U.S. and FF13 still sold way more on PS3. WW is even worse. PS4 is leading in the U.S.-there is no more 10 million gap on MS's side- and leading WW. The sales difference for FF15 is going to be even bigger. The tiny profit SE will get from XB1 will be doubled on PS4. Especially since Sony is going to be working with SE to push FF15.

Do i think it's a mistake that SE is developing for XB1? No. Business is business. Do i think they can make better use of time, money, and resources on PS4? YES. I'm fine with new people being able to play FF (as long as it's not dumbed down) but lets not mistake facts here.

Formerly ilovegirls69  :(

grannamir said:
Yes a great mistake... JRPG's never were strong on Xbox... The majority of that audience are with Sony and Nintendo.

If we exclude handhelds the last time Nintendo was a major platform for JRPG's was the SNES.

Chris Hu said:
oniyide said:

that was on 360...years ago. Would they do those NOW? i think thats the question he is asking

Who knows the generation is still a long way from being over so nobody knows.  Plus Tales of Vesperia and Eternal Sonato also first appeared on the 360.

I think we can use past info to predict what will happen. Yes the gen is just starting but lets be real, 360 had the best opportunity to take some JRPG and it didnt happen, do you truly believe that Xone will have better luck despite doing much worse against PS4 than 360 against PS3? Ill say again we are just gonna have to accept that some genres or series are just not going to do as well on some systems as others. Those games appeared first but it really didnt help them. Vesperia should have done better for how long its been out and Eternal Sonato actually sold better on PS3 despite being a year late further proving my point

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Pionner said:
The people agreeing with that post are just as bad as any "Sony fan." Instead of jumping on that post circle jerking each other why don't you give a good reason why you think FF on XB1 is not waste of resources for SE? The simple fact is FF will always sell better on PS platforms. FFT0 looks to sell very poorly on XB1. And don't come with these pathetic excuses about XB1gamers know value. Are you kidding me with that argument? The truth is there aren't that many FF fans on XB1. The main fanbase is on PS. Just like with MGS. The time and money they're spending getting the XB1 version up to par with PS4 could be spent focusing on the PS4 where most of your money is going to come from anyway. 360 had a huge lead in the U.S. and FF13 still sold way more on PS3. WW is even worse. PS4 is leading in the U.S.-there is no more 10 million gap on MS's side- and leading WW. The sales difference for FF15 is going to be even bigger. The tiny profit SE will get from XB1 will be doubled on PS4. Especially since Sony is going to be working with SE to push FF15.

Do i think it's a mistake that SE is developing for XB1? No. Business is business. Do i think they can make better use of time, money, and resources on PS4? YES. I'm fine with new people being able to play FF (as long as it's not dumbed down) but lets not mistake facts here.

This is a great comment.

Not really. Sony has had a larger yield towards FF fans than Microsoft. Still though, Square Enix isn't letting unmade profits go to waste. Even though the attach rate won't be as big as its rival, Square Enix definitely will obtain more profit with the Xbox One version than without.

" It has never been about acknowledgement when you achieve something. When you are acknowledged, then and only then can you achieve something. Always have your friends first to achieve your goals later." - OnlyForDisplay

Case closed-

Formerly ilovegirls69  :(

Pionner said:
Case closed-

but...those are preorders. None of that is really surprising. Sales were always going to heavily favor PS4, hell it was like that last gen and that was with MS having the upper hand

Pionner said:
Case closed-

Even though I do believe SE should at least give it a try with FF15, I also thing that xbox fans are making the mistake that some nintendo fans did when predicting Wii U titles and that is taking Wii games performance into consideration without considering the huge decline in userbase.  I still have the feeling that the JRPG fans that MS manage to captured last gen are not there anymore, at least most of them and this just add more weight to my feeling.