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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rubang's Reviews #1: If you don't like Brawl you're not a real gamer!

I feel like I just watched a Brawl match between Pikachu, Meta Knight and kimpossible. My head is spinning.

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I can't wait for Rubang's Reviews #2.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
RolStoppable said:

Since the introduction of the "wife-o-meter", I don't value Miyamoto's opinions that high anymore.

While MM had only four dungeons, they were among the best the whole series ever had to offer. The gameplay is deeper than in any other Zelda game, mainly due to the genuine 3-day-cycle of the game and the large number of items and masks in the game.

I can't believe Rol brought the fucking wife-o-meter into this. The wife-o-meter is quite possibly the only thing stopping the gaming industry from turning completely into Hollywood Jr. You think these other developers pumping out sex-and-gore-fests can go home and play their own work with their wife and kids?


What a ridiculous point.  When you're watching movies, do you only watch made for children cartoons?  That shit might work for some people, but for the rest of us, there's more to it than cutesy colorful critters.

@fkusumot, RolStoppable and RubangB
Everything is this thread was gold. It was a pleasure to read. So f'n funny!

I'm not saying there's no place in gaming for non-cute stuff. But games, like the movie industry, are becoming flooded with R rated crap for 13 year old boys, and it's not working anymore. Nintendogs and Brain Age are changing everything. Now old folks and women are playing this crap, and Miyamoto and his wife-o-meter are helping to expand the market.

My point there was simply that Miyamoto is so amazing that he can make games and even fitness programs to use with his family and they still sell through the roof and are huge influences on the industry. Everybody else is into (shitty) game making for the money and the babes. Mostly the babes.

I watch all kinds of movies and play all kinds of games, but I'm sick of filmmakers and gamemakers trying to force tits, guns, and explosions down my throat. I seriously know where to find all those things by now, kthxbye.

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haha, the man who is outspoken against game reviews and acclaimed games like god of war calls out all gamers to love brawl.

from a serious standpoint, i disagree.
from a more light hearted humorous perspective, i approve.

Hey I didn't use an arbitrary number but used a qualitative descriptor like "the best ever," and I filled my review with the gaming passion that burns in every cell of my body. This is how reviews should be written.

And regarding God of War, there's a whole thread talking shit about QTEs right now, and that game was fucking full of 'em. I hated those parts.... among other things, which I won't be getting into in this thread.

just saying (and not talking down brawl) there are plenty of "best" or "10 ten" games out there.

much like you don't dig QTE's in GoW, a number of people don't dig the SSE in brawl. also, many people don't find anything special about halo, SMG, etc.

to each his own.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
1) Kim Possible's too young. The show's only from 2002. The only characters in Brawl younger than that are Ike and Lucario, but they're from Nintendo series that date back to last millennium.

2) Kim Possible is not a video game character. Every character in every Smash Bros. was a video game character BEFORE becoming anything else. No TV or movie tie-ins are allowed. You either come from games or don't. The one exception is R.O.B., but he's an exception to every rule in the universe, and gets to dominate every game he makes a cameo in.

3) While "chu" is a mouse's squeak in Japanese, Pikachu are not mice.

Whether you like her is irrelevant, nor is youth. Fact of the matter is that she would fit in this game. If youth is your only objection, you've already conceded her validity in the game and are only arguing that she is too new a character to be in the game. This argument reeks of fail. And also, Pikachu is a mouse type pokemon, so you fail again.

Come on. You didn't pick up that fku is messing around by his second post?

Okay, I lied. I didn't see it till his 3rd respond.

Sarcasm is way off the top sometime, on vgc.