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The Ghost of RubangB said:
RolStoppable said:

Since the introduction of the "wife-o-meter", I don't value Miyamoto's opinions that high anymore.

While MM had only four dungeons, they were among the best the whole series ever had to offer. The gameplay is deeper than in any other Zelda game, mainly due to the genuine 3-day-cycle of the game and the large number of items and masks in the game.

I can't believe Rol brought the fucking wife-o-meter into this. The wife-o-meter is quite possibly the only thing stopping the gaming industry from turning completely into Hollywood Jr. You think these other developers pumping out sex-and-gore-fests can go home and play their own work with their wife and kids?


What a ridiculous point.  When you're watching movies, do you only watch made for children cartoons?  That shit might work for some people, but for the rest of us, there's more to it than cutesy colorful critters.