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I'm not saying there's no place in gaming for non-cute stuff. But games, like the movie industry, are becoming flooded with R rated crap for 13 year old boys, and it's not working anymore. Nintendogs and Brain Age are changing everything. Now old folks and women are playing this crap, and Miyamoto and his wife-o-meter are helping to expand the market.

My point there was simply that Miyamoto is so amazing that he can make games and even fitness programs to use with his family and they still sell through the roof and are huge influences on the industry. Everybody else is into (shitty) game making for the money and the babes. Mostly the babes.

I watch all kinds of movies and play all kinds of games, but I'm sick of filmmakers and gamemakers trying to force tits, guns, and explosions down my throat. I seriously know where to find all those things by now, kthxbye.