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The Ghost of RubangB said:
1) Kim Possible's too young. The show's only from 2002. The only characters in Brawl younger than that are Ike and Lucario, but they're from Nintendo series that date back to last millennium.

2) Kim Possible is not a video game character. Every character in every Smash Bros. was a video game character BEFORE becoming anything else. No TV or movie tie-ins are allowed. You either come from games or don't. The one exception is R.O.B., but he's an exception to every rule in the universe, and gets to dominate every game he makes a cameo in.

3) While "chu" is a mouse's squeak in Japanese, Pikachu are not mice.

Whether you like her is irrelevant, nor is youth. Fact of the matter is that she would fit in this game. If youth is your only objection, you've already conceded her validity in the game and are only arguing that she is too new a character to be in the game. This argument reeks of fail. And also, Pikachu is a mouse type pokemon, so you fail again.