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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What game is keeping you on last gen?


What game?

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thedawghousev2 said:

I have a PS4, and I'm really starting to enjoy it. However, I always find myself going back to my PS3 to play zombies on either Black Ops, Black Ops 2, or World at War. What game is keeping your PS3 or 360 alive, and what game will make you retire it for good?

Black Ops 3 will make me finally retire my PS3, because zombies is literally the only thing that makes me go back.


The only game I go back to last generation is Minecraft. Outside of that, I'd have to say that only the Atari 2600-Genesis era keeps me planted in the sand. I can't get bored with those games. They have something timeless about them that will last forever.

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Tales of Zestiria and Yakuza 5... hopefully Shining Resonance as well, but you know... Sega.


I have tons of PS3 games i haven't finished or even started playing yet. I am currently playing Destiny and GTA Online. Also don't think i need a new gen console just yet, and most of my friends are still playing their PS3s.

I moved on as soon as I got my PS4.

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I'm still last gen only

Getting a WiiU really soon though, and a PS4 or XBox One probably when Batman launches,

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GTA V and Just Cause 2 (I want Platinum in Just Cause 2).

Skyrim, but considering getting the PC version as well (from Xbox 360 version)

TheGoldenBoy said:
None. I have completely moved on.

This, I sold everything and moved on to gen 8 where I could play a few good games I didn't play on gen 7 among some new games. I am one f the few on this site who actually likes gen 8 if I read some reactions and polls correctly

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

Tales of Zestiria and Yakuza 5. Will be getting Persona 5 on PS4 though.

None for me, sold my 360 off 2 years ago due to moeny issues and moved to PC, now the backlog on there roughly keeps me entertained enough to wait until early next year for the XB1 while I'll grab a Wii U during summer this year.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"