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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FF XV is a hack and slash game confirmed

As long as the execution is okay, I am fine with it..

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I will never understand people's dislike for Action combat. I can do with either one but I much prefer Action oriented. It's good that you gotta do some micromanaging while in combat and that teammates can revive you in a pinch. I also think regenerating health works well how they are pitching it. Get low enough and take cover or pull back from battle. It gives you time to re-access the situation, maybe try a new tactic. However, I do hope some enemies (like bosses) can find you and force you to leave cover, otherwise, the game might be a bit on the easy side.

I've said it a few times before, but turn-based makes little sense as a style of combat. You never wait for your opponent to make the next move in a fight, and if you do, there should be a way to counter or defend properly, not just stand there and take a punch (Super Mario RPG did a great job with its turn based combat) It isn't a chess match (obviously, some exceptions in different genres apply)

Needless to say, I love the combat so far. I am bummed out that those 3 guys are your only team members, I've always loved having a varied party, or that you can't control them (it seems)

EDIT: Really digging the customization that will come with the different swords. I am a junkie for loot and stats on said loot.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

This doesn't bother me much even if I do prefer turn-based. It's to appeal to the ADHD new generation of gamers who can't think out attacks for longer than 2 seconds before mashing buttons, but I digress.

This really only splits the FF fan base even more than it is. With so many goddamn battle systems its bound to create separation/sides as to which is the "best", the dick waving contest in which all FF fans defend their games and insult other entries to the series -a favorite pastime typical Final Fantasy fans engage in. Being a fan of the series is hard enough with the bitching between linear and open world and which story is better and shit like that, now that its turn-based vs. action RPG.... it brings new types of fans and new types of splits in the fan base and overall just a bigger headache for me

Areym said:
I will never understand people's dislike for Action combat. I can do with either one but I much prefer Action oriented. It's good that you gotta do some micromanaging while in combat and that teammates can revive you in a pinch. I also think regenerating health works well how they are pitching it. Get low enough and take cover or pull back from battle. It gives you time to re-access the situation, maybe try a new tactic. However, I do hope some enemies (like bosses) can find you and force you to leave cover, otherwise, the game might be a bit on the easy side.

I've said it a few times before, but turn-based makes little sense as a style of combat. You never wait for your opponent to make the next move in a fight, and if you do, there should be a way to counter or defend properly, not just stand there and take a punch (Super Mario RPG did a great job with its turn based combat) It isn't a chess match.

Needless to say, I love the combat so far. I am bummed out that those 3 guys are your only team members, I've always loved having a varied party, or that you can't control them (it seems)

They do, if you look up the behemoth in the demo fight it chases after you if you try running away, unless your allies are trying to distract it.

KingdomHeartsFan said:
Areym said:
I will never understand people's dislike for Action combat. I can do with either one but I much prefer Action oriented. It's good that you gotta do some micromanaging while in combat and that teammates can revive you in a pinch. I also think regenerating health works well how they are pitching it. Get low enough and take cover or pull back from battle. It gives you time to re-access the situation, maybe try a new tactic. However, I do hope some enemies (like bosses) can find you and force you to leave cover, otherwise, the game might be a bit on the easy side.

I've said it a few times before, but turn-based makes little sense as a style of combat. You never wait for your opponent to make the next move in a fight, and if you do, there should be a way to counter or defend properly, not just stand there and take a punch (Super Mario RPG did a great job with its turn based combat) It isn't a chess match.

Needless to say, I love the combat so far. I am bummed out that those 3 guys are your only team members, I've always loved having a varied party, or that you can't control them (it seems)

They do, if you look up the behemoth in the demo fight it chases after you if you try running away, unless your allies are trying to distract it.

Fantastic. I think its perfectly fine for small enemies, the one you grind on, to be push overs for the most part. It's all just preparation for the big mother fucker that will not play by the run and hide rules. The fact that teammates can distract is also pretty nice.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

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Delighted to hear this. Chances of this being my first final fantasy have greatly increased.

I like it. Might actually jump back into FF. Haven't played one since gosh, FFVIII. I like the way this new battle system is looking. I like more action oriented RPGs.
I like my turn based games as well don't get me wrong Suikoden and Wild Arms series' being a couple of my faves but these days action style combat RPGs just seem to be where its at for me.

Areym said:

I've said it a few times before, but turn-based makes little sense as a style of combat. You never wait for your opponent to make the next move in a fight, and if you do, there should be a way to counter or defend properly, not just stand there and take a punch (Super Mario RPG did a great job with its turn based combat) It isn't a chess match (obviously, some exceptions in different genres apply)

This sentence isn't right, for one it's a video game so it doesn't matter if the combat make little senses to be turn based, if that's the way the game is designed. In older FF, you started each fight with a clean slate (no buffs before like in FF12 or 13) and have to strategise to defeat them. At the start of many boss fights you don't just wail on the enemy, you put up counters, shields, regen, you name it. The enemy could use a fire based attack so you use ice as it's more effective. An enemy KOs an ally, so you use one character to revive them, then another one to put buffs back on them before the enemy gets another go. One of your characters might be the only one with healing magic, so you make sure they are always ready to use their powers and let others attack. Even then, some FF games have an option for 'Defend' if you don't know what to do with works instantly until their next turn and in that time enemy attacks do less damage.

Using Chess as an example of what this game isn't is just odd, Chess is all about tactics, older and better than most video games can come up with. Chess has closer ties to turn based gameplay than 'wailing on the enemy' can dream.

Hmm, pie.

Ok, i couldve told you this months ago. But yeah... my problem is that it will be boring. Kingdom hearts uses special combo/move set customisation and magics to keep it interesting. I have only seen slashes and changing weapons so far.

Ka-pi96 said:

Your post just makes me want to play some great turn based games again! Love them!

Here is a great traditional FF tactic for you, alyways did like it myself. You enter a boss fight and it immediately casts reflect on itself, you don't have Dispell, so you cast reflect on one of your characters. You get one character to cast high level magic on them, which reflects to the boss omitting their reflect. If that character takes physical damage from another sources, you have to heal by using items instead.

Hmm, pie.