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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Stop Wasting Your Time



You wasted your time writ... 69 40.35%
I actually listened. Thank you. 11 6.43%
I hate Nintentacle. 12 7.02%
I love Nintentacle. 11 6.43%
Looks like someone had a bad day. 55 32.16%
Nah, he just is in that b... 13 7.60%
jigokutamago said:
Trying to convince people on a forum. Talk about a waste of time.


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sundin13 said:
Esiar said:

There is. And, there's psuedo-happiness with things like video games. It's addiction and amusement rather than a way to achieve happiness.

Edit: It also affects the happiness of other people in a negative way, also. All the money spent on video games could be spent on feeding the homeless, donating, etc, and all the time spent on video games could be used to help other's physically and emotionally. Many people here could have saved thousands of hours and dollars (or whatever currency used).


Also, I've gotten plenty of happiness out of video games. Playing them and discussing them. Maybe games just aren't for you...

Finally, your last point is terrible. The absence of helping people is not hurting anyone first of all. Second of all, I put my own mental well being pretty high on my priority list. I think I have a pretty eclectic range of hobbies, each of which I have spend a pretty good deal of money on. I play guitar. Is that hurting people because I could have been feeding the homeless? nope. I play drums. Is that hurting people because I could have been batman? Nope. I play video games, listen to music, watch tv, watch movies, watch anime, cook, write etc.. Should I throw myself away to become a slave to the whims of others? No............because that is stupid. Very stupid.

Video games are no more a waste of time and money than any other hobby, and last time I checked, hobbies were quite beneficial to becoming a well rounded individual and me not killing myself.

The lack of helping people does hurt people. How can you say that the absence of helping homeless people does not negatively affect homeless people? You are choosing not to help them, clearly. This clearly affects them. You're putting your own hobbies over them. You know there are starving people. At times you buy games instead of looking for these people and helping them. This hurts them. I understand that you clearly need to provide for your own needs, but other's needs should be put above your own.

In terms of suicide, video games are only surpressing it. It doesn't fix the problem (and the problem is fixable). It can be compared to treating a symptom rather than the actual sickness.

Can't wait for The Zelder Scrolls 3: Breath of The Wild Hunt!

Esiar said:

Flaming people over different opinions is childish.

No one can deny this truth, yet flaming happens almost everyday on the site!

There. Now did I just waste time pointing that out? 

YES. Because it will never go away ;_;

*joins others in the tasty popcorn eating, tears flowing*

Esiar said:

The lack of helping people does hurt people. How can you say that the absence of helping homeless people does not negatively affect homeless people? You are choosing not to help them, clearly. This clearly affects them. You're putting your own hobbies over them. You know there are starving people. At times you buy games instead of looking for these people and helping them. This hurts them. I understand that you clearly need to provide for your own needs, but other's needs should be put above your own.

In terms of suicide, video games are only surpressing it. It doesn't fix the problem (and the problem is fixable). It can be compared to treating a symptom rather than the actual sickness.

But if you do help homeless people, then what? They might no longer be homeless. They might even get jobs. But if they use their money to buy video games, it was all for naught. So it's better to just leave things be.

Esiar said:

The lack of helping people does hurt people. How can you say that the absence of helping homeless people does not negatively affect homeless people? You are choosing not to help them, clearly. This clearly affects them. You're putting your own hobbies over them. You know there are starving people. At times you buy games instead of looking for these people and helping them. This hurts them. I understand that you clearly need to provide for your own needs, but other's needs should be put above your own.

In terms of suicide, video games are only surpressing it. It doesn't fix the problem (and the problem is fixable). It can be compared to treating a symptom rather than the actual sickness.

You are fundamentally wrong. Logically, the lack of positive does not equal negative. It just equals nothing. And once again, video games are in no way worse or different than any other hobby, and hobbies in general are quite important to the mental health and general well roundedness of an individual. 

As for suicide, I was just saying that if I was to give up all of my hobbies and all of my time and all of my money, I would probably be a horrible mess of a person who hated their life.

I don't see any problem with someone living for themself, and if that is what you are trying to speak against, then you are doing it in the wrong place and with the wrong target. You have yet to give a valid reason for why you singled out video games...

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so much popcorn,yet no one is sharing :(

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

Time you've enjoyed wasting isn't wasting time

Time you enjoy wasting isn't time wasted.
Edit: beaten.

Religion is a waste of time.  Video games helped get me my current on and off girl of 7 or so years.  I invited her over and played Wii Sports with her and eventually we hit it off.  I don't see Jesus getting me laid nor would I dare step foot in church again considering it is so boring and a waste of time.  I don't care if there are hot girls there because I'll either see them outside a church or not.

This is a matter of subjective opinion. You might think playing video games and discussing consoles is a waste of time but you are not masters of our lives. We choose what we want to do with our time in the world and even though you might not like it, we possibly do. For example, I play video games a lot. And it wasn't a waste of time. I learned English faster than high school could teach it to me, I learned geography playing Paradox games, I got interested in history and the ALLMIGHTY HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE through playing Assassin's Creed. I don't consider that a waste of time.

Instead of playing games and arguing, what are we supposed to do instead?

And yes, I'm new here.

"Today's my lucky day! I haven't missed one shot!"
"That's because you haven't even pulled the trigger!"

-Grunts, Titanfall (EA, 2014)