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This is a matter of subjective opinion. You might think playing video games and discussing consoles is a waste of time but you are not masters of our lives. We choose what we want to do with our time in the world and even though you might not like it, we possibly do. For example, I play video games a lot. And it wasn't a waste of time. I learned English faster than high school could teach it to me, I learned geography playing Paradox games, I got interested in history and the ALLMIGHTY HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE through playing Assassin's Creed. I don't consider that a waste of time.

Instead of playing games and arguing, what are we supposed to do instead?

And yes, I'm new here.

"Today's my lucky day! I haven't missed one shot!"
"That's because you haven't even pulled the trigger!"

-Grunts, Titanfall (EA, 2014)