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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony's Woes Show Just How Bad Nintendo's Are

oniyide said:
Samus Aran said:

You heard it here first, the 3DS is a flop.

And yeah, the games suck, that's the point I was making LOL.

Im sorry but your point is kinda invalid when you cherry pick two games out of many Sonic games that have been released. Sonic does more good than bad sales wise at least, so it has to be more than quality that caused those games to fail. Are you trying to say the crap games dont sell? cause that would be false unless you think the ones that did sell are actually good, then that is subjective and we would just be talking around each other.

Not quite sure what 3ds has to do with anything as i didnt mention it.

Matter of fact I would say the recent flops have just as much to do with the system they are on and the quality.

Sonic games have been crap after crap for well over a decade now. That has undoubtly shrinked the fanbase. Mario games can still sell over 10 million.

Sonic Lost World and Sonic Boom also had 3DS versions and they flopped. I picked those two games because they're the last two games in the franchise. It's not like Sonic Racing Transformed sold well. And that's not even a bad game.

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theprof00 said:

Nintendo has always made hits and their consoles never do exceedingly well. Wii was a major exception.

handhelds on the other hand are a different matter.

When you have a series as well known and loved as zelda and metroid, and the two can't even outsell an uncharted game, you know there is a problem with the audience, not the developer.


I3LuEI3omI3eR said:
Lawlight said:

Good on the 3DS for winning the second division but, let's be honest, we only care about the premier league.

Just like people are saying the PS3 is better than the PS4, there are people saying that the PS4 is better than the PS3.

This post made me laugh so hard... 3ds is 2nd division... Because all "2nd Division" systems have 3 10 million sellers (Pokémon X/Y, Super Mario 3d Land, and Mario Kart 7, with NSMB2 and Pokémon OR AS not too far behind).

Numbers don't lie...

I guess good on the 3DS for winning in Japan. 

oniyide said:

Here's the thing so what? You people are missing the point, it doesnt MATTER if Mario is bug less or not, if someone doesnt like Mario it wouldnt matter to them. If they like Assassin's creed then they will play AC because that is the only way they can play AC. Thats like telling someone hey this restaurant cooks better steak than that restaurant across the street that makes ok salad, guess what im a vegan I dont care about steak no matter how well its made

That wasn't the point and never was the point. That argument has basically turned into a discussion on whether or not there are objective means of measuring quality. I am of the mind that there are, and that is why we can universally say games like Ninjabread Man are bad games. For some reason, people get all up in arms when you try to say that something like Super Mario Galaxy is an objectively good game using the excuse "well some people might not like it" not realizing that that doesn't matter.

lol at the fanboy moron that said Sony is releasing flop after flop smh millennials pft

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tbone51 said:
Lawlight said:

Handhelds have always been irrelevant in the console wars. Not to mention that both handhelds are getting beat by mobiles and are fading into oblivion.

3DS is over 50mil, dunno how thats into oblivion. Vita is over 10mil. 10mil+ =/= dead. 

Well, shipment last year did drop by 40% and half the shipment was in Japan.

Samus Aran said:
oniyide said:

Im sorry but your point is kinda invalid when you cherry pick two games out of many Sonic games that have been released. Sonic does more good than bad sales wise at least, so it has to be more than quality that caused those games to fail. Are you trying to say the crap games dont sell? cause that would be false unless you think the ones that did sell are actually good, then that is subjective and we would just be talking around each other.

Not quite sure what 3ds has to do with anything as i didnt mention it.

Matter of fact I would say the recent flops have just as much to do with the system they are on and the quality.

Sonic games have been crap after crap for well over a decade now. That has undoubtly shrinked the fanbase. Mario games can still sell over 10 million.

Sonic Lost World and Sonic Boom also had 3DS versions and they flopped. I picked those two games because they're the last two games in the franchise. It's not like Sonic Racing Transformed sold well. And that's not even a bad game.

Subjective. And you keep missing the point, the Sonic games STILL sell well on average. It was never as big as Mario so I dont even know why you brought him up, nothing to do with anything. 

Had the Wii U itself sold better most likely the games would ahve sold better. Its not like those games on Wii were all that but they still sold more than a mil each. (not sure about Black Knight will check)

Yes they had 3ds versions and they flopped, but lets not ignore the Generations for 3ds that did ok. Transformered did ok for being a spinoff Kart game.

super_etecoon said:
theprof00 said:

Nintendo has always made hits and their consoles never do exceedingly well. Wii was a major exception.

handhelds on the other hand are a different matter.

When you have a series as well known and loved as zelda and metroid, and the two can't even outsell an uncharted game, you know there is a problem with the audience, not the developer.


Except TP outsold every Uncharted game.

Since when is Uncharted such a low prestige ip? You make it sound like it's just some rubbish ip made by nobodies lol. Uncharted is much more mainstream than Metroid, hence it sells more. Uncharted games are linear, cinematic and not too hard. Metroid is a hardcore game. Uncharted is a casual game (and I don't mean this as an insult).

Samus Aran said:
super_etecoon said:


Except TP outsold every Uncharted game.

Since when is Uncharted such a low prestige ip? You make it sound like it's just some rubbish ip made by nobodies lol. Uncharted is much more mainstream than Metroid, hence it sells more. Uncharted games are linear, cinematic and not too hard. Metroid is a hardcore game. Uncharted is a casual game (and I don't mean this as an insult).

Well, we also don't know digital rates, but I digress.

I'm not saying it's low prestige. I'm saying the are way more fans out there for zelda..

Again, my example...why is it that new mario games (while doing very well) cannot outsell some other franchises, while a remake of the first mario game can blow every other franchise away.
Nintendo fans think of their developer like a mother. Current mainstream gamers look at their favorite devs like a significant other.

While you love talking to your mother/whatever, it's not always on your to do list. Getting laid however...

Do you really think people don't buy mario games because they're not casual enough? Like galaxy being spherical etc...? It's because the old fans want nostalgia, not nintendo.

I know I always bring up this controversial survey, but why do you think that the main gamers on nintendo platforms are 6-11?? The older gamers disappear for whatever reason..and I don't mean they don't exist. I mean they don't support the company.

Lawlight said:
tbone51 said:

3DS is over 50mil, dunno how thats into oblivion. Vita is over 10mil. 10mil+ =/= dead. 

Well, shipment last year did drop by 40% and half the shipment was in Japan.

Half the shipment was in Japan?

Shipments so far this fiscal year

Japan-2.81 million

Americas-2.19 million

Others-2.08 million

Total-7.08 million

Lifetime shipments

Japan-18.70 million

Americas-16.77 million

Others-14.93 million

Total-50.41 million

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.