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oniyide said:

Here's the thing so what? You people are missing the point, it doesnt MATTER if Mario is bug less or not, if someone doesnt like Mario it wouldnt matter to them. If they like Assassin's creed then they will play AC because that is the only way they can play AC. Thats like telling someone hey this restaurant cooks better steak than that restaurant across the street that makes ok salad, guess what im a vegan I dont care about steak no matter how well its made

That wasn't the point and never was the point. That argument has basically turned into a discussion on whether or not there are objective means of measuring quality. I am of the mind that there are, and that is why we can universally say games like Ninjabread Man are bad games. For some reason, people get all up in arms when you try to say that something like Super Mario Galaxy is an objectively good game using the excuse "well some people might not like it" not realizing that that doesn't matter.