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Samus Aran said:
oniyide said:

Im sorry but your point is kinda invalid when you cherry pick two games out of many Sonic games that have been released. Sonic does more good than bad sales wise at least, so it has to be more than quality that caused those games to fail. Are you trying to say the crap games dont sell? cause that would be false unless you think the ones that did sell are actually good, then that is subjective and we would just be talking around each other.

Not quite sure what 3ds has to do with anything as i didnt mention it.

Matter of fact I would say the recent flops have just as much to do with the system they are on and the quality.

Sonic games have been crap after crap for well over a decade now. That has undoubtly shrinked the fanbase. Mario games can still sell over 10 million.

Sonic Lost World and Sonic Boom also had 3DS versions and they flopped. I picked those two games because they're the last two games in the franchise. It's not like Sonic Racing Transformed sold well. And that's not even a bad game.

Subjective. And you keep missing the point, the Sonic games STILL sell well on average. It was never as big as Mario so I dont even know why you brought him up, nothing to do with anything. 

Had the Wii U itself sold better most likely the games would ahve sold better. Its not like those games on Wii were all that but they still sold more than a mil each. (not sure about Black Knight will check)

Yes they had 3ds versions and they flopped, but lets not ignore the Generations for 3ds that did ok. Transformered did ok for being a spinoff Kart game.