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super_etecoon said:
theprof00 said:

Nintendo has always made hits and their consoles never do exceedingly well. Wii was a major exception.

handhelds on the other hand are a different matter.

When you have a series as well known and loved as zelda and metroid, and the two can't even outsell an uncharted game, you know there is a problem with the audience, not the developer.


Except TP outsold every Uncharted game.

Since when is Uncharted such a low prestige ip? You make it sound like it's just some rubbish ip made by nobodies lol. Uncharted is much more mainstream than Metroid, hence it sells more. Uncharted games are linear, cinematic and not too hard. Metroid is a hardcore game. Uncharted is a casual game (and I don't mean this as an insult).