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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Order 1886 Review Thread - Meta: 66

jlmurph2 said:

Lol I had a feeling that you were on to something when you were explaining what you felt was wrong with the game.

I feel like so much of its failings would have been forgiven in the main stream media if they at least delivered on that one thing that they were actually trying to make good. The one thing that everyone would be buying the game for. How does a story based game fall so short in it's story? Especially when it was set up so well in the begining. (aside from a VERY cliche way to start the game)

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0815user said:
RolStoppable said:

66 is bad because 75 is accepted as average.

average = median = half of maximum = 50 out of 100

75 =/= 50 =/= average 


accepting something as fact does not necessarily make it true

Fundamental flaw in your logic...neither average nor median are mathematically half of the maximum. Also, when speaking of averages, you should probably use the term "mean", not "median"

The mean is in the middle of all values that have been given, not in the middle of the potential values.

Sweep said:
Materia-Blade said:

Reviews are a fair way to avoid wasting money on a bad game. It's not the readers fault and such results were expected, given the trailers.

Except that...The game is far from bad here.

Most reviews of The Order are suspiciously unfair to it. I'm at Chapter III and can't understand what's bad in this game for the moment.

Like in football statistic, and in sports in general, you should remove the top and bottom scores to have a more reliable average. There are idiots who gave The Order 20/100, can you imagine ?   Many many reviews are positive, and some even enthusiastic. Matacritic have become a joke lately. I'm not even talking about most of comments here from X1 fans who didn't play the game and have a lot of free time cause there is nothing to play on their XBox.

RolStoppable said:
0815user said:

average = median = half of maximum = 50 out of 100

75 =/= 50 =/= average 


accepting something as fact does not necessarily make it true

Your logic is 08/15.

make it 15 out of 15 then  

Sweep said:
Materia-Blade said:

Reviews are a fair way to avoid wasting money on a bad game. It's not the readers fault and such results were expected, given the trailers.

Except that...The game is far from bad here.

Most reviews of The Order are suspiciously unfair to it. I'm at Chapter III and can't understand what's bad in this game for the moment.

now you know how xbox fans felt about ryse.

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion

Around the Network
0815user said:
RolStoppable said:

66 is bad because 75 is accepted as average.

average = median = half of maximum = 50 out of 100

75 =/= 50 =/= average 


accepting something as fact does not necessarily make it true  

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
shikamaru317 said:
PwerlvlAmy said:

someone posted this on another forum and it made me laugh pretty hard

That was brilliantly done xD

Go and watch the one about Evolve, it was the first i saw and its even better :P

Do you have the link please?

01001011 01101001 01110011 01110011 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01111001 00100000 01101101 01100101 01110100 01100001 01101100 00100000 01100001 01110011 01110011 00100001

Skullwaker said:
ryuzaki57 said:
I hope developers get the message : developers! Don't bother making beautiful and sophisticated games like The Order or Evolve, just make slow and ugly games like MH4U, the press approves!

It's almost as if gamers should care more about gameplay than graphics. 

Not like your point stands though. MH4U is on a handheld on the level of the GCN. The Order is on the PS4.

MH4 is veeeeery far from GCN standarts. It's exactly what it was 5 years ago on the PSP. This is lazy graphics like far too often on 3DS. Btw, while should we accept that Nintendo delivers last-gen tech? They should be penalized for failing to deliver decent technology.

Not like your point stands though : I played MH4U at Paris Games Show and that was some horrible gameplay, slow and dull as it can get.

I haven´t played The Order yet, so I´ll reserve judgement...that said, when compared with the first 14 months of the PS3, I´ve been very disappointed with Sony´s 1st/2nd party output during the first 14 months of the PS4.

At least there´s Bloodborne next month and I doubt it´ll disappoint me.

Sweep said:

Except that...The game is far from bad here.

Most reviews of The Order are suspiciously unfair to it. I'm at Chapter III and can't understand what's bad in this game for the moment.

Trust me. Play more. It's a game you have to finish to understand. Even my first impressions were modest.

Though I think bad is the wrong word. Poor, disappointing, and not good are better. Saying a game is bad makes it sound like there's absolutely nothing good. There are exceptional things about The Order.