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Sweep said:
Materia-Blade said:

Reviews are a fair way to avoid wasting money on a bad game. It's not the readers fault and such results were expected, given the trailers.

Except that...The game is far from bad here.

Most reviews of The Order are suspiciously unfair to it. I'm at Chapter III and can't understand what's bad in this game for the moment.

Like in football statistic, and in sports in general, you should remove the top and bottom scores to have a more reliable average. There are idiots who gave The Order 20/100, can you imagine ?   Many many reviews are positive, and some even enthusiastic. Matacritic have become a joke lately. I'm not even talking about most of comments here from X1 fans who didn't play the game and have a lot of free time cause there is nothing to play on their XBox.