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Skullwaker said:
ryuzaki57 said:
I hope developers get the message : developers! Don't bother making beautiful and sophisticated games like The Order or Evolve, just make slow and ugly games like MH4U, the press approves!

It's almost as if gamers should care more about gameplay than graphics. 

Not like your point stands though. MH4U is on a handheld on the level of the GCN. The Order is on the PS4.

MH4 is veeeeery far from GCN standarts. It's exactly what it was 5 years ago on the PSP. This is lazy graphics like far too often on 3DS. Btw, while should we accept that Nintendo delivers last-gen tech? They should be penalized for failing to deliver decent technology.

Not like your point stands though : I played MH4U at Paris Games Show and that was some horrible gameplay, slow and dull as it can get.