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Forums - Politics Discussion - Feminist Aborts Baby Because It Was A Boy

Materia-Blade said:
fireburn95 said:

On the topic of abortion, I disagree with it but understand some people just can't deal with having a baby. I think if someone doesn't want there kid, they should pay a hefty sum of money, have the baby adopted, and the money should go to the adopters.

A lot of couples want to adopt new borns.

If it's a risk for the mother (too young/old/health issues), she has total right to stop it.

Well yeah if it's a serious health risk where abortion is the best course of action then obviously do it, but it should still be legal for those who get pregnant, but dont want to keep their baby. It'll encourage less teen pregnancies and stuff.

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With freedom comes responsibility and honor, of which this sow has none. Abortion is for impregnated rape victims and for those incapable of raising a child through any number of means. Abortion is not a form of selection for the gender you want your potential child to be.

"On my business card I am a corporate president. In my mind I am a game developer. But in my heart I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata

Hey look, I am all for equal rights, I think anything a man could do, a woman could do it as well. But seeing bitches like this probably sends the equal rights movement back 10 years

You misspelt feminazi

fireburn95 said:
Materia-Blade said:

Gosh, you need to learn a lot about the whole world. there's no country where women are treated 100% equally.

and in case you haven't noticed, if feminism means equality for both genders, then there's an eternal need for it everywhere.

There's a global need for egalitarianism, which is where both men and women will work together to make sure from birth, men and women are born equal. 

How are women not treated equally in the UK then, minor isolated incidents from mysoginists?

There's laws where pay must be equal regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability etc.

Any case feminists seem to bring up now a days is anti-climactic.
for example page 3 of The Sun. That's a big issue for them because they show topless women.

But each of those women that show their boobs are old enough, they choose to do it, they are extremely well paid.
And it's designed to appeal specifically to the opposite sex, but it isn't anti -equality because the sun don't show penises.
There isnt a market for that, and what woman wants to see a dozen different mens penises?

But there are topless man mags too, so feminism is pointless in the UK.

men and women are not equal and will never be

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Thats a good thing for thé baby, better to be dead that having this thing as a mother

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Materia-Blade said:
Lawlight said:

And if it's not a risk?

For unwanted children in general, it should be allowed as early as possible during pregnancy, while it's easier.

everybody knows how to prevent pregnancy today. There is no excuse

Click HERE and be happy 

Well, shit.

Is a foetus a person or merely a potential person? Is it worth the same as a human life? It matters?

I think the core issue here is egalitarianism. Yes. Or rather, a concept of egalitarianism ingrained in the mind of some people, who cannot even conceive the notion that a individual has to to give up nine months of her freedom and then some for a distinct function of her biological genre. So unfair! It's sort of anathema to their feelings...







While she has any every right to do with it as she pleases, she is still a massive (word that rhymes with blunt) for such jaded mentality. I really hope she never gets pregnant again, so all she ever thinks about for the rest of her life is how she threw away her one and only offspring's life over nothing.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

"Fuck men I want to change every single one of them!"

"Dammit it'll be a boy? Shit if people see that I am not even smart enough to turn a baby boy into a good man yet I want to change EVERY MAN on earth (which is obviously harder) then everyone around me no matter if family or friends will laugh at me. I need to hide my stupidity as long as possible!"