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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What was the inspiration for your account name?

Mine goes back to the time I had just signed up to my first isp , man that was a while ago .
On the home page was an Aussie Rules tipping competition with great prizes that interested me enough to join.
Since it was the first time I had used a username on the net I put in my initials but was rejected , so added numbers to my initials and each kept getting rejected as being taken , so I jumped to 45 and bingo , since then it's been my name on steam , psn , live etc I also use it has my character name in games .

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

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My real/nickname.

RolStoppable said:
I wanted to have a powerful name that makes others shake in their boots.

Good thing that you used such a powerful name , not a weak one like that loser Kim possible.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

Slarvax said:

Haha... I remember when I made this thread back in the day. I was so young (For VGC standards).

OT: When I got my Wii U and asked for NNID, I didn't know what to use. I've always liked my name, but since the gaming community can be so harsh, I didn't want to use my REAL name. So I thought of some ways around it. Changed the order of some letters, put an "x" somewhere (cause that's cool) and we got "Slarvax". Since then, every account on any website I joined has had that name. And since then, my sister and cousins have made fun of it non stop XD

PS. My name is Salvatore

That's a badass name 

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion

Ohh I played my first 7th gen shooter. Quake 3 I think?? And I saw Wh1pL4sh. Then for the second part of my name, I was subscribed to XBL. So... L1ve


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It's a play on Pauline (my name) and Pollinate (I love bees and honey :3 )

I pretty much use this name everywhere nowadays :P

Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
Ohh I played my first 7th gen shooter. Quake 3 I think?? And I saw Wh1pL4sh. Then for the second part of my name, I was subscribed to XBL. So... L1ve

For your honesty I decided to rename you 

Now everyone will know!

Invisible cat doodoo.

I've answered this at least 5 times since I jave joined, but basically I am obsessed with the game Roller Coaster Tycoon similar to a drug addiction, so RCT are the initials of the game and junkie is my addictive status

Edit: Duplicate post.