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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What was the inspiration for your account name?

Toxic Spikes is a move in Pokémon. It lays down a layer of poisonous spikes as an entry hazard.

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I played DarkRP for like 16 hours one week when I decided to finally make an account


RIP Iwata 12/6/1959-7/11/2015

Thanks for all the great memories!

I was gonna make a thread like this but it escaped me.
Mine is:


The J in Ljink comes from the first time my bro and I played wind waker. We were so excited that we accidentally named him Ljink by pressing the j and i icons. As for the 96, I couldn't put 69...just kidding. It's my birth day year. Why Alex Kidd? My full screen name is Ljink Kidd.

I'm from Canada, the Vancouver area to be specific, and at the time of the Winter Olympics in 2010 I was a pretty big hockey fan and Sidney Crosby was my favorite player. When he scored the game winning goal against the US in the gold medal game they started calling him "The Golden Boy." I thought it sounded cool so I started using it.

Being a teenager and also a fool haha



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gergroy said:
The inspiration for my is top secret. Nobody can ever know...

Your name is Gregory but you spelled it wrong?

Whenever I try coming up with usernames, I almost always go with something astronomy-themed (Astronomy is a favorite interest of mine!). Usually after stars, moons, or other astronomical objects. In this case, I chose a Nebula.

Then, I'll add an adjective that makes it sound cool. Sometimes I'll try to blend it with the first word, but other times (such as this username) I just get lazy and put it before the first word.

"Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."

-Samuel Clemens

My username came from my PSN ID that I made back in 2007. Then, I was in the Diamond/ Pearl craze, and my favorite pokemon was Dialga. I was also playing a lot Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War, where my favorite race was Space Marines, so I just combined the two and it stuck.

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon

I have a webcomic and Youtube channel with this name. I don't do a lot on them currently, but I still use the name a lot.

Currently playing:

Bloodbath Paddy Wagon Ultra 9

My inspiration was Conegamer. Conegamer is love, Conegamer is life.