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Forums - Sales Discussion - Weekly Hardware Chart, 17th January 2015

Dark_Feanor said:
CosmicSex said:

No, that reasoning isn't solid enough.  See my comment I posted above yours.    It just doesn't make sense to me.  Why is the Xbox One down this week?   Its on sale so shouldn't it be up above when it was $399.    None of it makes sense to me. And if it is the case, why?  Why would the Xbox One go down when it goes back on sale?  I for one am anxiously awaiting NPD.

Because according to VGChartz sales always go down this week.

May be last year the PS4 shortages affected weeks development. But any other year sales tend to drop for every console.

Well, I did make an error because the Xbox One was still full price for most of the week prior to NPD PR... so maybe this does make sense. 

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CGI-Quality said:
celador said:
PS4 ahead of X1 but only by 3k. Guess we can expect to X1 to be ahead next week when the price is back at $350. Amazon has predicted otherwise, but maybe it will be wrong for the first meaningful time.

EU seems rather close between PS4 and X1 as well. Not sure what is supposedly providing X1's boost. VGC must have it winning UK again for a start, but we have not heard anything from MCV.

If it were just Amazon, maybe it, "could", be wrong. It wasn't though, and even with that, I see no reason to expect Amazon to be wrong, all of a sudden.

I don't expect Amazon to be wrong this month either. I was just trying to be a bit more diplomatic, as a lot of people take issue to people coming in to these threads and simply claiming under/overtracking and nothing else

CosmicSex said:
I still have an issue with the Xbox One numbers. How is it that the Xbox One sold more when it went off sale last week than it did this week. That never happens. I feel like the US numbers for Xbox One were either too high last chart, or too low this chart. It just doesn't seem consistent with real world scenarios.

These number aren't accurate. Remember that.

Wii U adjusted up last week and holding at 50k this week, not too bad a start for 2015 by Wii U standards. Hope it keeps a 45-50k baseline between big release spikes.

Good to see ps4 adjusted up last week.

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Those are only US software numbers. Look at the totals.

Those US numbers just don't look right for the Xbox One.

Won bet with t3mporary_126 - I correctly predicted that the Wii U's LTD at the end of 2014 would be closer to 9 million than 10 million.

Where is that turkey guy? Funny how some people talk up a storm then when the "facts" that backed up their initial claims pans out to be wrong, and the prediction they made for the following week also turns out to be wrong, they just become scarce and act like it never happened.

He/she can't say he/she hasn't seen this weeks numbers and the adjustments to last weeks numbers.

I still feel the XB1 was a little high last week and maybe even this week.

Let me say this now. In the US either ps4 is undertracked or Xone is overtacked. It lost momentum and never regained it according to retailers even when its price decreased again. Ps4 is beating it size ably

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With the changes last week, the PS4 slightly beat the Xbox One by like 700 units, basically a tie. This week, it looks like the gap widen a bit. They brought the price back down after the 18 to $350, so i guess we can expect the X1 to beat the PS4 or tie once again in the USA.

PS4 Looks to stay on top but the Xb1 is looking pretty good too.

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