Overtracked!!! I said it!!!
And I still think that the Wii U and Smash / Mario Kart 8 numbers are overtracked!
Overtracked!!! I said it!!!
And I still think that the Wii U and Smash / Mario Kart 8 numbers are overtracked!
Rogerioandrade said: VG Chartz says it sold 330k in the Americas Can Latin America be responsible for 200k copies of Bayonetta 2? I think it´s very unlikely Obs.: Where exactly Nintendo said that Bayonetta 2 sold 135k in the U.S.? On that NeoGAf thread there´s not even any mention of it on the articles.: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=972713 |
Conegamer said:
I agree he could have worded himself better, but at the same time he said several times it was Nintendo exclusive. You wouldn't expect people to get Zelda on the X1, or Halo on the Wii U, for example. The fact it is Nintendo exclusive may have hurt sales yes, but it was only made in the first place thanks to it being Nintendo exclusive. |
I Still have the feeling that most people that complain about it being WiiU exclusive do that just for trolling and wouldn´t buy the game anyway.
generic-user-1 said: they need some numbers to craft their PR about, and there are not many alternatives to npd. VGC cant be used because they dont know about the sampling. i dont see why everybody is thinking npd numbers are facts, its just a sample and some math, just like ioi is getting his numbers(i hope). it all boils down to who has the better sample to beginn with, there the problems start, npd uses a to huge sample. they get errors they cant fix with math because of this, and we dnt know at all about the sample on the vgc side. |
To take this one particular game, there is a huge difference between <135k and 330k. If it hasn't sold 135k yet then it almost definitely hasn't even shipped 330k units in the US. While these companies don't know about their exact sell through, they do know what they've shipped. All I can really go by is the fact that the industry treats NPD seriously and mostly ignores VGC, except for a few times where I have seen developers call them out for being way off.
Goodnightmoon said: So there´s no proof at all of Bayo2 being overtracked? |
Actually... no.
All that we have are just speculative information. We will only be sure when Nintendo publishes its next financial reports.
The first game bombed on two system with much larger installed base than the WiiU right now. These numbers on WiiU are no surprise.
pokoko said: We're just going to have to disagree there, then. The SNES era was my least favorite in gaming. SO many clones and SO many bad movie and TV tie-in games. Probably more trash games released during the SNES era than any other except the Atari era. That it was completely dominated by only a few genres certainly didn't help, either. |
Call me crazy, but I kind of miss games like Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. They had almost nothing to do with the licensed product and were like the work of some mad genius!
But I do think a lot of people forget about how much bad, expensive shovelware there was because companies like Square and Capcom (you know, the guys who made the games that you should have been playing instead of Home Alone 2) were in their primes.
generic-user-1 said:
npd numbers are just us, they track canada to, but canada isnt in the numbers thes present (i think so at least, cant find much informations about it just some meh sources.). |
Thansk for clarifying. In my country Bayonetta 2 rapidly sold out, unfortunately it´s impossible to know how much it sold because a good part of it was imported from the U.S. (and probably would be counted as U.S. sales)
Rogerioandrade said:
Yep. That seems to be just a random guess by a random NeoGaf user. |
No..it's the usual NPD leaker on neogaf. It's legit.
Rogerioandrade said:
All that we have are just speculative information. We will only be sure when Nintendo publishes its next financial reports. |
Jesus fucking christ, where do you people come from everytime something like this happens? NPD tracks US sales, they track them accurately enough for all game companies to accept them as fact and Creamsugar has been leaking NPD numbers for as long as I can remember.
Bayonetta 2 is overtracked in the US, accept it and move on.