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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mass Effect 4 Xbox One Exclusivity Is A Rumor, Game 'Feels' Like Mass Effect

MS would have to pay more than what they payed for the Gears IP

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Normchacho said:
DirtyP2002 said:

- Mass Effect 4
- Phantom Dust
- Scalebound
- Gears of War 4
- Forza Motorsport 6
- Crackdown 3

Too much for one year.

I'd replace Forza 6 with Horizon 3. I'm pretty confident FM6 comes out this year.

Oh, and that's certainly not too much for one year

I think so. And of course we will see way more announcements for 2016 this year.
Mass Effect and Gears would be 2 heavy hitters during the holiday season.

Add CoD, Assassins Creed and there is not much advertising space left.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

Obiously, it would be great for Microsoft but in the end, they would have to pay a shit ton of money to get such a deal. No business is going to lose potential sales without being compensated. Looking at sales of multiplat titles, one need not look look any further than GTA V. The amount of lost potential profits by going exclusive on Xbox One is sky high.

If true, it will definitely sway me into buying an Xbox One over a PS4.

starcraft said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:
NobleTeam360 said:

But Imagine how much better it could of did if it was on PS4 too. 

they would get probably more than 3 million copies( probably much more ), it was a bad move by them.

You're assuming it would have been made, or at least made to the same scale, at all if it weren't for the deal with MS.

This was all far from certain.

I think its safe to assume that the sales would have followed the trend of every other multiplat released this gen.  There is no reason to assume special circumstance if the title had been released on both consoles.  It would have sold more on the PS4.  Just like COD, Battlefield, AC Unity...  there is no rational reason to assume that this title would have suceeded on Xbox One, but failed on PS4.

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It's still a rumor so people should treat this as it is.

I'm mixed about mass effect. Favorite series last gen and of all time for me. Rumor is this one is a prequel that's going to turn me off bad. Will see though if it is x1 exclusive then I'll have to buy one I can wait if it's timed.

Aeolus451 said:
I doubt that EA would agree to even a timed Mass Effect 4 exclusivity to the xbone unless MS throws stupid amounts of money at EA. PS4's userbase is too large for companies to ignore.

 its not that far fetched when you think of it. EA probably makes about $35-$40 in revenue from each sold game. now if in the first 6 months they can sell 3M copies of the game on the PS4 and 2M on the XB1. They can just take what would be around a $50M check from MS and the marketing bonus. For go the $105M-$120M they stand to make on the PS4 and just make it a 6 month timed exclusive. at the end of the day, they will still sell at least 1.5M-2M copies in the PS4 six months later. 

And don't forget, they still make money from the game selling on the XB1. 

none of this would master though. by the time this game is coming out the PS4 will have a really big global lead. an insurmountable one. 

i really dont care to be honest, given that mass effect 3 wasnt so great for many fans and given its made by EA and their philosophy it could end being a flop.

CGI-Quality said:
Mad55 said:
CGI-Quality said:

- snip

Not everyone can afford to do that sometimes you buy a console based on the franchises its predecessor had and how well they did on that platform. Sometimes people aren't just bitching and moaning though a lot of the times their voicing their feelings in a reasonable way and it comes across as geniune and their points are valid. 

@bold your right but that can go either way. 

Well, we can agree to disagree. Sure, sometimes people aren't just bitching and moaning (and I'm obviously not talking about them), but that's besides my main point.

@ bold: It usually doesn't go either way. Once the company receives their share, especially if the intake is larger than the profit the game would have generated, the money is made and no one is complaining.

Yea we can agree to disagree lol.