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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - My biggest disappointment about the WiiU is not sales or games, it is that it was not truly Next Gen like they promised!

curl-6 said:

Speaking as VGChartz's resident White Knight of Wii U graphics, even I agree it's closer to PS3/360 than PS4/Xbone.

Megafenix is something of an statistical outlier in his views, lets just say.

Yes, that's the impression i got :p

On a side note, what's this white knight stuff about? I assume you're referencing the_dengle's sig, but i don't know what inspired the sig itself.

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Zekkyou said:
curl-6 said:

Speaking as VGChartz's resident White Knight of Wii U graphics, even I agree it's closer to PS3/360 than PS4/Xbone.

Megafenix is something of an statistical outlier in his views, lets just say.

Yes, that's the impression i got :p

On a side note, what's this white knight stuff about? I assume you're referencing the_dengle's sig, but i don't know what inspired the sig itself.

His sig came about after a thread where someone (I think it might have been subiyacryolite, but I could be wrong) started categorizing those of us on the pro-Nintendo side of a debate as being "White Knights" who would defend Nintendo no matter the circumstances.

Dengle then made his fabulous sig and it became a running joke.

Goodnightmoon said:
kinisking said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Wii U need bugs, framedrops, big boring 3d worlds, hours of cinematics, 10 year old kids yelling you online, internet payment, 30 fps standart and no innovation at all to be true next gen stuff.

Ugh. Bugs don't come from the consoles. Framedrops are either from being poor optimization or lack of power. Either way whatever the xbox one or ps4 have Framedrops with I doubt the wii u would even be able to run without toning the graphics down. Big boring 3d world's? Because yes ever 3d world is boring. Oh wait no it isn't. Tons of great 3 world's on xbox one and ps4. 30 GPS standard is a design choice. They could always tone the graphics down for 60fps but the developers decide to do that. Plenty of 60 fps games on both next gen consoles just like the wii u has plenty of 720p games. No innovation yet I agree, but wii u bringing Mario and zelda really isn't innovation either (great games nonetheless). I rarely have a child scream in a multi-player game. It's fair to have Internet payment when they have a better online and free games. I really like Nintendo but they're console is simply not powerful enough to be considered next gen  like ps4 and Xbox One. Heck they're not even next gen yet lol. But it's not cool to take jabs at the competition

Yeah so N64 and psone weren´t on the same generation right?

BTW bold was supposed to be 30 fps don't know why I wrote 720p. I was trying to say both x1/ps4 have plenty of 60fps and 30fps games just like wii u lol. And ofc they were the same generation. Wii u is the same generation as ps4 also. But they're in different leagues power wise is what I meant 

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion

One could argue nothing yet is next gen, that the next step or true next gen game will be virtual reality or some other step sideways that no one has foreseen .

If a step up in graphical power is "next gen" then by all means the Wii U and it's software are "next gen". Otherwise PS4 and XBoxO took a smaller graphical step from their last consoles then Nintendo did. Graphics wise all the consoles are "last gen" or worse if you throw PC into the equation.

megafenix said:

back then you wii u wouldnt have directx 11 like features to achieve something like this


True, but compared to the Wii... enough said.

It's hard to notice DX11 shaders in say, Mario Kart 8.

My 8th gen collection

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This isn't 1996. Games don't have to be 3D to be considered good, or even great anymore. And it's not like the Wii U hasn't had its fair share of 3D games and more on the way.

Personally, I think it's fairly insulting to call a game shovelware just because it's 2D.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


There a lot of games that i fail to see how would work well in 3D. I still don't like any plataffomer in 3D, and im happy that DK and kirby are still 2D.

And, well, spurge has come along way,hm? I tried to warnm him, but he would listen.

"Hardware design isn’t about making the most powerful thing you can.
Today most hardware design is left to other companies, but when you make hardware without taking into account the needs of the eventual software developers, you end up with bloated hardware full of pointless excess. From the outset one must consider design from both a hardware and software perspective."

Gunpei Yoko

Oh well they went cheap af on the CPU/GPU/Memory and are paying dearly for it. Yet I don't think they care.

CPU is cheap, GPU not very expensive, eDRAM a bit more "high tech", standard RAM, the only thing next gen about it is the power efficiency.

The Gamepad crippled the console, if it had that same price point, with either a cheaper gamepad or no gamepad at all, it would have likely had more power. The games are pretty, but not good enough!

They only ever promised a "truly next gen experience" and said that the "graphics would be there."

I agree though, that Nintendo have chosen a rather unfortunate power level to ship with. It's going to promt developers to go for several more years with normal maps and self-shadows that are just exactly crappy enough to ruin my fun.