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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - My biggest disappointment about the WiiU is not sales or games, it is that it was not truly Next Gen like they promised!

mZuzek said:
At first I was like "what?", but then I noticed it was spurge.

the same happened to me lol.

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Disagree. There are.plenty of 3d games on wii u. And talking off next gen im sat here watching gta5 on ps4 sooo not excactly next gen is it

Stop it Spurge!

spurgeonryan said:

The Crew, AC: Unity, GTAV, The Last of Us, and many many other games are what next gen is all about!

Preaching to the chior here. Games like Tomb  Raider:Definitive Edition, Titanfall, LBP3 and Shadows of Mordor are not what a wonky honkey machine with last gen visuals can provide.


edit:wonky honkey donkey

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

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This whole next-gen game thing is quite honestly ridiculous. I asked on another thread for people who say Bayonetta 2 isnt next-gen to tell me what makes a game next-gen and the answers have been very poor or inexistant.
What makes a game next gen? Because currently its very difficult to tell. Is it beeing an open world? A multiplayer online? The problem is that last gen can do those things aswell. So, what is next-gen but a few particle effects, lighting and possibly a slight better improvement in resolution.

In a world where Bayonetta 2 is not enough of an improvement to be next-gen, i dont think we honestly have any next-gen game available on any console. Its all games, Wii U ones even have the advantage of 60fps many times aswell, wich i think its the most important improvementa game can have. The difference in fidelity between all systems from the new and last gen is so minimal that something like a "next-gen" game struggles to even define itself.

Enjoy your games. Stop listening to nonsense in the internet spurge. Also, i noticed you didnt mention Xenoblade X...

spurgeonryan said:

Why couldn't Mario Kart have been more than a cut and paste Mario Kart Wii? They added gorgeous visuals that you can do nothing more with than steal a glance at when you are speeding by at 60 fps. I long to visit those luscious environments Nintendo teased us with in that game. 

The Crew, AC: Unity, GTAV, The Last of Us, and many many other games are what next gen is all about! Remakes, 2D, and partially realized panic moves on Nintendo's part are/is not. We could all just wait until their next system has plenty of games to prove to us it is actuallly next gen, but then sales will suffer once again. Plus if you wait too long online will be pointless and you miss out. So once again to get the full Nintendo experience you and I will be forced to buy one early on. Gamble yet again on a company that has not come through for its gamers since the N64 and some say not since the SNES days.

Yup. I also think the same about mariokart 8. And I want diversity which unfortunately Nintendo dont offer.

There are plenty of wii u games that have next generation graphics, mario kart 8, mario 3d world, forced, fatal frame V, etc. Just comapre them with some realtime shots of the best graphical games on the past generation like gta and you will see the difference in the LOD.






spurgeonryan said:

I think they are afraid of 3D.

I think you're afraid of 2D and having to jump over holes instead of just going around them.

3D Mario gets maximum priority but that's not enough, the mere existence of 2D Nintendo games seem to be an annoyance.

Here is something for you to read: it predicts innovation will come in the next generation, this one is for refinement.